This code is a React Hook that is using the...

March 28, 2023 at 06:06 PM

useEffect(() => { const tooltipTimer = setTimeout(() => { if (showTooltip) setShowTooltip(false); }, 10000); return () => clearTimeout(tooltipTimer); }, [showTooltip]);

This code is a React Hook that is using the useEffect function to set up a timer for hiding a tooltip after 10 seconds (10000 milliseconds).

The useEffect function takes two arguments: a callback function that will be executed after the component mounts and any time the "showTooltip" state variable changes, and an array of dependencies that specifies which variables or props trigger the effect.

Inside the useEffect callback, a new timer is created with the setTimeout function. This timer calls another function after 10 seconds that checks whether the "showTooltip" state variable is true and sets it to false if it is. This will hide the tooltip after 10 seconds if it has not already been hidden by the user clicking on it or taking some other action.

The useEffect function also returns a cleanup function that cancels the timer when the component unmounts or when the "showTooltip" variable changes. This is important to prevent memory leaks and ensure that the timer is only active when it should be.

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