This code defines a function named QuadA that takes two...

May 12, 2024 at 08:59 AM

func QuadA(x, y int) { for ligne := 1; ligne <= y; ligne++ { for colonne := 1; colonne <= x; colonne++ { if ligne == 1 || ligne == y { if colonne == 1 || colonne == x { print("o") } else { print("-") } } else if colonne == 1 || colonne == x { print("|") } else { print(" ") } if colonne == x { print("\n") } } } }

This code defines a function named QuadA that takes two integer parameters x and y. The function uses nested loops to create a rectangle with dimensions x by y using ASCII characters. The corners of the rectangle are represented by "o", the top and bottom edges by "-", the left and right edges by "|", and the inside of the rectangle by empty spaces. The function prints the rectangle character by character.

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