This code defines a function called "GetCameraValue" that retrieves the...

March 29, 2023 at 09:19 AM

/*@function ******************************************************************* 功 能: 获取配置文件的Camera值. 参 数: 返回值: <无>. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 作 者: Ben, 2023.01.04 ******************************************************************/ BOOL GetCameraValue() { CString strCFGValue = L""; TCHAR szCFGValue[CFG_VALUE_SIZE] = { 0 }; CStringHelper::Utf8ToTchar(g_config.cfgBasicInfo.szCameraValue, szCFGValue, sizeof(szCFGValue) / sizeof(TCHAR)); strCFGValue.Format(_T("%s"), szCFGValue); return strCFGValue == L"1" ? TRUE : FALSE; }

This code defines a function called "GetCameraValue" that retrieves the Camera value from a configuration file. The configuration file is read using the global variable "g_config".

The function converts the camera value from UTF-8 to a TCHAR string and formats it into a CString object. It then compares this string with "1" and returns TRUE if they are equal, otherwise it returns FALSE.

The comments above the function provide documentation on its purpose, parameters, and return value.

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