This is a function that takes a float value "a"...

March 15, 2023 at 02:46 PM

float _sin(float a){ if(a < _PI_2){ return 0.0001f*sine_array[_round(126.6873f* a)]; // int array optimized }else if(a < _PI){ return 0.0001f*sine_array[398 - _round(126.6873f*a)]; // int array optimized }else if(a < _3PI_2){ return -0.0001f*sine_array[-398 + _round(126.6873f*a)]; // int array optimized } else { return -0.0001f*sine_array[796 - _round(126.6873f*a)]; // int array optimized } }

This is a function that takes a float value "a" as input and returns the sine of "a". It does so by using an array called "sine_array" which has pre-calculated values of sine for certain angles.

The code first checks if "a" is less than half of pi (π/2), if it is, it finds the corresponding index in "sine_array" by multiplying "a" with 126.6873 and rounding it to the nearest integer using "_round" function. Then it multiplies the value at that index with 0.0001f and returns it.

If "a" is greater than or equal to π/2 and less than π, it finds the corresponding index in "sine_array" by subtracting the result from 398, then multiplies it with 0.0001f and returns it.

If "a" is greater than or equal to π and less than 3π/2, it finds the corresponding index in "sine_array" by adding the result to -398, then multiplying it with -0.0001f and returning it.

If "a" is greater than or equal to 3π/2, it finds the corresponding index in "sine_array" by subtracting the result from 796, then multiplying it with -0.0001f and returning it.

Overall, this code provides an optimized way to calculate the sine of a given angle by using pre-calculated values stored in an array.

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