This code is part of a JavaScript/TypeScript project that uses...

December 30, 2024 at 08:59 AM

const router = useRouter(); const { id, pair = 'BTC/USDT', from = '2023-01-01', to = '2023-12-31', entry = '93000', targets = ['94500', '94700', '95000', '95500'], } = useLocalSearchParams(); // Ensure pair and targets are strings or arrays const tradingPair = Array.isArray(pair) ? pair[0] : pair; const parsedTargets = Array.isArray(targets) ? targets : [targets];

This code is part of a JavaScript/TypeScript project that uses React (possibly Next.js or a similar framework), and it performs the following:

  1. Variable router Initialization:

    const router = useRouter();
    • This line uses the useRouter hook, likely from a library like next/router in Next.js, to access the router object.
    • This object provides methods and properties for navigating or manipulating the client-side routing.
  2. Destructuring Search Parameters:

    const {
      pair = 'BTC/USDT',
      from = '2023-01-01',
      to = '2023-12-31',
      entry = '93000',
      targets = ['94500', '94700', '95000', '95500'],
    } = useLocalSearchParams();
    • The useLocalSearchParams function is likely a custom or library-provided hook to access the URL's query/search parameters (e.g., /page?id=123&pair=BTC/ETH).

    • This destructures the parameters into individual variables (id, pair, from, to, entry, and targets) with default values provided in case some are missing from the query parameters.

    • If a query parameter like pair is absent, it defaults to 'BTC/USDT'. Similarly, other keys have default values.

    Example: If useLocalSearchParams() returned { pair: 'ETH/USD', entry: '94000' }, the variables would be:

    • id → undefined
    • pair'ETH/USD'
    • from'2023-01-01'
    • to'2023-12-31'
    • entry'94000'
    • targets['94500', '94700', '95000', '95500'] (default used)
  3. Ensuring Proper Data Types for pair and targets:

    const tradingPair = Array.isArray(pair) ? pair[0] : pair;
    const parsedTargets = Array.isArray(targets) ? targets : [targets];
    • The goal here is to sanitize the pair and targets variables.

    • tradingPair sanitization:

      • If pair is an array (e.g., pair = ['BTC/USD', 'ETH/USD']), it takes the first element (pair[0]).
      • If it's a string (e.g., pair = 'BTC/USD'), it uses the string directly.
    • parsedTargets sanitization:

      • If targets is already an array, it keeps it as is (targets).
      • If targets is a single value (e.g., targets = '94500'), it wraps it in an array (e.g., ['94500']) to ensure parsedTargets is always an array.
  4. Final Processed Variables:

    • tradingPair → a string representing the trading pair.
    • parsedTargets → an array of target values.

Overall Purpose:

This code is part of a trading or financial application. It extracts and processes URL query parameters (id, pair, etc.) related to a financial trading scenario (e.g., cryptocurrency pairs like 'BTC/USDT'), ensures the extracted parameters have the proper format, and prepares them for use in the remainder of the application logic.

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