This code defines several variables and performs the following actions: 1....

March 29, 2023 at 01:19 AM

const IR_nodes = document.querySelector(".cutover_dataTable").tBodies[0].childNodes; const b2b_api = ""; const calciumx_api = "http://hkgwsdv00044:8089/calciumx/aquarius/v1/cutover/project/"; let loginToken = ""; let ir_list = []; let todayDev = new Set(); IR_nodes.forEach((element) => { const herf = element.cells[refrenceCell].firstElementChild.attributes.getNamedItem("href").nodeValue; const innerHTML = element.cells[refrenceCell].innerHTML; const signOffType = element.cells[refrenceCell + hardcode_signOffType_field].innerText const parts = herf.split("/"); ir_list.push({ refrence: element.cells[refrenceCell].innerText, projectID: parts[parts.length - 1], emoji: "", cutoverReady: false, // false signOffType: signOffType }); }); const b2b_api_requests = => gmGet(b2b_api + e.projectID)); const calciumx_api_requests = => gmGet(calciumx_api + e.refrence));

This code defines several variables and performs the following actions:

  1. Finds all child nodes of the first tbody element within an HTML element with class "cutover_dataTable".
  2. Defines two API endpoints, one for b2b and one for calciumx.
  3. Initializes an empty loginToken string and an empty array called ir_list.
  4. Creates a new Set object called todayDev.
  5. Iterates through each of the found child nodes from step 1 and extracts information from specific cells within each node.
  6. Populates the ir_list array with objects containing this extracted information.
  7. Uses the ir_list array to create arrays of requests to be sent to the b2b and calciumx APIs via the gmGet function.

Note: The functionality of the gmGet function is not defined in this code snippet.

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