This code does the following: 1. **String Creation:** A `String` named...

January 11, 2025 at 03:58 AM

String S = "razzle-dazzle"; int k; k = S.indexOf("z");

This code does the following:

  1. String Creation: A String named S is initialized with the value "razzle-dazzle".
  2. Variable Declaration: An integer variable k is declared.
  3. Finding a Substring: The indexOf("z") method is called on the string S. This method searches S for the first occurrence of the character "z" and returns its index. In this case, the first "z" in "razzle-dazzle" is at index 2 (indices in strings are 0-based).
  4. Assigning the Result: The value returned by S.indexOf("z") (which is 2) is assigned to the variable k.


At the end of this code, k will hold the value 2.

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