This code creates a graph data structure representing a directed...

April 19, 2024 at 08:50 AM

graph = { 'A' : ['Z','S', 'T'], 'Z' : ['O'], 'O' : ['S1'], 'S1' : ['F','R'], 'F' : ['B'], 'B' : [], 'R' : [], 'S' : ['O1', 'F1', 'R1'], 'O1' : [], 'F1' : ['B1'], 'B1' : [], 'R1' : ['C', 'P'], 'C' : [], 'P' : [], 'T' : ['L'], 'L' : ['M'], 'M' : ['D'], 'D' : [] }

This code creates a graph data structure representing a directed graph. Each key in the dictionary represents a node in the graph, and the corresponding value is a list of nodes that the key node is connected to with an edge.

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