This code defines a class `EmailModerateTemplateView` that inherits from `LoginRequiredMixin`...

April 23, 2024 at 06:03 AM

class EmailModerateTemplateView(LoginRequiredMixin, TemplateView): template_name = 'moderator_email.html' @method_decorator(sensitive_post_parameters()) @method_decorator(csrf_exempt) @method_decorator(login_required(login_url=reverse_lazy('users:login'))) def dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.request.user.userprofile.is_flagged: raise PermissionDenied return super().dispatch(*args, **kwargs)

This code defines a class EmailModerateTemplateView that inherits from LoginRequiredMixin and TemplateView. It sets the template name to 'moderator_email.html'. The dispatch method is decorated with sensitive_post_parameters(), csrf_exempt, and login_required decorators.

In the dispatch method, it checks if the user's profile is flagged. If the user's profile is flagged, it raises a PermissionDenied exception. Otherwise, it calls the dispatch method of the superclass (TemplateView) with the provided arguments and keyword arguments.

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