The code generates a unique URL for an image file...

March 29, 2023 at 10:19 AM

java.lang.String baseUrl="/root/bpm-config/upload/stampigliatura-"+java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString()+"/"; java.lang.String url=baseUrl+nomeTimbro; System.out.println("url"); file = new; file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); javax.imageio.ImageIO.write(bufferedImageRotate, "png", file); System.out.println("66666"); //gestione filepath java.lang.String filePath=pathCreateStamp+url; //es. pathCreateStamp: System.out.println("filepath principale prima parte "+filePath); //prepare document for docer java.util.HashMap tmpImage=new java.util.HashMap(); tmpImage.put("@structure","document"); tmpImage.put("filePath",filePath); tmpImage.put("TYPE_ID","DOCUMENTO"); tmpImage.put("TIPO_COMPONENTE","PRINCIPALE"); image=tmpImage; System.out.println("finishedddddd");

The code generates a unique URL for an image file and saves a rotated buffered image to that location. It then prepares a document using the URL as the file path and adds metadata to the document. Finally, it assigns the document to the variable "image" and prints a message indicating the completion of the process.

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