This code snippet does the following: 1. Get the current date...

March 28, 2023 at 09:53 PM

now := time.Now() if a.lastUpdate.IsZero() { a.lastUpdate = now } absEstimate := time.Duration(math.Abs(float64(estimate.Microseconds()))) * time.Microsecond if absEstimate > a.thresh+15*time.Millisecond { a.lastUpdate = now return } k := a.overuseCoefficientUp if absEstimate < a.thresh { k = a.overuseCoefficientDown } maxTimeDelta := 100 * time.Millisecond timeDelta := time.Duration(minInt(int(now.Sub(a.lastUpdate).Milliseconds()), int(maxTimeDelta.Milliseconds()))) * time.Millisecond d := absEstimate - a.thresh add := k * float64(d.Milliseconds()) * float64(timeDelta.Milliseconds()) a.thresh += time.Duration(add) * 1000 * time.Microsecond a.thresh = clampDuration(a.thresh, a.min, a.max) a.lastUpdate = now

This code snippet does the following:

  1. Get the current date and time using the time.Now() function and assign it to the variable now.
  2. If the lastUpdate time in the struct a is zero, set its value to now.
  3. Calculate the absolute value of estimate, which is a duration, in microseconds, using the math.Abs() and time.Microsecond functions, and assign it to the variable absEstimate.
  4. If absEstimate is greater than a.thresh plus 15 milliseconds, assign now to a.lastUpdate and return.
  5. Determine the value of k based on whether absEstimate is less than a.thresh. If it is, k is set to a.overuseCoefficientDown; otherwise, k is set to a.overuseCoefficientUp.
  6. Set the maximum time delta to 100 milliseconds and calculate the time difference between now and a.lastUpdate using the Sub() method, then restrict it to a maximum of 100 milliseconds using the minInt() function, converting it to a duration with time.Millisecond and assigning it to the timeDelta variable.
  7. Calculate the difference between absEstimate and a.thresh, multiply it by k and timeDelta as floats, and assign this product to the variable add.
  8. Add add to a.thresh, converting it to a duration with time.Duration, multiplying it by 1000 and time.Microsecond, and then assigning it back to a.thresh.
  9. Clamp a.thresh to be within the range specified by a.min and a.max using the clampDuration() function.
  10. Set a.lastUpdate to now.
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