This code defines a MATLAB function named `custom_max` that attempts...

February 4, 2025 at 05:06 AM

function M = custom_max(v) for x = v if x > M M = x; end end end

This code defines a MATLAB function named custom_max that attempts to find the maximum value in a given vector v. However, the code contains an issue that will result in an error because the variable M is not initialized before being used. Here's what the function is supposed to do:

  1. Input: The function takes a vector v as input.

  2. Loop: It iterates over each element x in the vector v.

  3. Comparison: For each element x, it checks whether x is greater than M.

  4. Update: If x is greater than the current value of M, it updates M to be equal to x.

  5. Output: After the loop, M is supposed to hold the maximum value in the vector v, which is then returned as the output.


The variable M is used in the if statement before being initialized, which will cause an error when the function is run. This can be fixed by initializing M to a very small value (e.g., M = -inf) or to the first element of the vector v before the for loop.

Corrected Code:

function M = custom_max(v)
    M = -inf; % Initialize M to negative infinity
    for x = v
        if x > M
            M = x; 

Alternatively, you can initialize M to the first element of the vector:

function M = custom_max(v)
    M = v(1); % Initialize M to the first element of v
    for x = v
        if x > M
            M = x; 

Now, the function should work correctly to compute the maximum value of a vector.

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