This code defines a function called `gmGet` which takes in...

March 29, 2023 at 01:17 AM

const gmGet = (args) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { GM_xmlhttpRequest( Object.assign({ method: "GET", }, args.url ? args : { url: args }, { onload: (e) => resolve(e.response), onerror: reject, ontimeout: reject, })); }); }

This code defines a function called gmGet which takes in one argument named args. The function returns a new Promise object that will either resolve or reject depending on the result of an HTTP GET request made using the GM_xmlhttpRequest method.

The GM_xmlhttpRequest method is called with an object as its argument. This object is created by merging three objects:

  1. An object that sets the HTTP method to "GET".
  2. An object that sets the URL for the request. If the argument passed to gmGet contains a url property, that value is used. Otherwise, the entire argument is assumed to be the URL and is assigned to the url property.
  3. An object that sets event handlers for onload, onerror, and ontimeout.

When the request completes successfully (onload), the resolve function of the Promise is called with the response data as its argument. If an error occurs (onerror or ontimeout), the reject function of the Promise is called with the error information as its argument.

In summary, gmGet is a function that makes an HTTP GET request using the GM_xmlhttpRequest method and returns a Promise that resolves or rejects based on the success or failure of that request.

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