This code reads a line of input from the user,...

March 28, 2023 at 07:51 PM

numbers = input().split() d = {} for number in numbers: code = number[:2] d.setdefault(code, []).append(number) print(*sorted(d.items()))

This code reads a line of input from the user, which is assumed to contain a series of numbers separated by spaces. It then creates an empty dictionary called d.

The program then loops through each number in the input, and extracts the first two characters from it using slicing (i.e., number[:2]). This two-character code is used as a key in the dictionary d.

If the key doesn't exist yet in the dictionary, setdefault() is used to create a new empty list for that key. The current number is then appended to that list.

Finally, the program prints out the items of the sorted dictionary d, where each item is a tuple consisting of a code and the list of numbers associated with that code. The * before sorted(d.items()) unpacks the tuple into separate arguments to the print function so that each item is printed on its own line.

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