This code snippet attaches a ribbon bar to a spreadsheet...

May 12, 2024 at 01:11 PM

// Override command ribbonBar1.Attach(fpSpread1); ribbonBar1.CommandExecuting += RibbonBar1_CommandExecuting; ribbonBar1.CommandExecuted += RibbonBar1_CommandExecuted; fpSpread1.AsWorkbook().ActiveSheet.ActiveCell.Value = 123; private void RibbonBar1_CommandExecuted(object sender, ExecuteCommandEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine("executing: " + e.CommandName); } private void RibbonBar1_CommandExecuting(object sender, ExecuteCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "Cut") { e.Handled = true; GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Color color = GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Color.FromKnownColor(GrapeCity.Core.KnownColor.BlueViolet); IWorksheet TestActiveSheet = fpSpread1.AsWorkbook().ActiveSheet; TestActiveSheet.ActiveCell.Interior.Color = color; } }

This code snippet attaches a ribbon bar to a spreadsheet control, sets a value in the active cell of the spreadsheet, and then defines event handlers for when commands are executed and executing. In the RibbonBar1_CommandExecuting method, if the command being executed is "Cut", it changes the interior color of the active cell to BlueViolet.

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