This code snippet appears to be a part of a...

May 12, 2024 at 10:24 AM

if choice.isdigit() and 1 <= int(choice) <= len(fishing_spots): spot_index = int(choice) - 1 fish_in_spot = fishing_spots[spot_index].fish_list fish(player, fish_in_spot) elif choice == str(len(fishing_spots) + 1): print("Спасибо за игру, до свидания!") break else: print("Пожалуйста, выберите место из списка.") caught_fish = [] for _ in range(fish_count): random_fish = random.choice(fish_list) size = round(random.uniform(random_fish.size_range[0], random_fish.size_range[1]), 2) print(f"Вы поймали {} размером {size} кг!") player.balance += random_fish.price # добавляем стоимость рыбы к балансу игрока caught_fish.append(random_fish)

This code snippet appears to be a part of a fishing game simulation. Here's a breakdown of what it does:

  1. It checks the user's choice to see if it is a digit and within the valid range of fishing spots. If so, it selects the chosen fishing spot, retrieves the list of fish in that spot, and then calls the fish() function with the player and the fish list as arguments.

  2. If the user's choice is equal to the length of the fishing spots list plus 1, it prints a farewell message and breaks out of the loop.

  3. If the user's choice does not match any of the above conditions, it prints a message asking the user to select a spot from the list.

  4. After handling the user's choice, the code then goes on to simulate catching fish by randomly selecting a fish from the fish list, determining its size within a specified range, printing a message about the caught fish, adding the fish's price to the player's balance, and appending the caught fish to a list called caught_fish.

In summary, this code snippet allows the player to choose a fishing spot, catch fish based on the specified count, and updates the player's balance accordingly.

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