The given SQL code alters the **`expires`** column in the...

December 30, 2024 at 12:41 PM

Alter table templates Alter COLUMN expires TYPE timestamp without time zone using expires at time zone 'utc'

The given SQL code alters the expires column in the templates table by changing its data type. Here's a breakdown of what it does:

  1. Alter table templates:

    • Specifies the table (templates) where a change is about to be made.
  2. Alter COLUMN expires:

    • Specifies the column (expires) in the table that will be altered.
  3. TYPE timestamp without time zone:

    • Changes the data type of the expires column to timestamp without time zone. This means the column will store date and time values but will not associate them with any particular time zone.
  4. using expires at time zone 'utc':

    • Converts the existing values in the expires column (assuming they may currently store time zone information) to a UTC-based timestamp while dropping the associated time zone information.
    • For each value in the expires column, the expression expires at time zone 'utc' shifts the time to UTC.


The code modifies the expires column in the templates table to store timestamps without time zone information, ensuring values are properly shifted to UTC before the conversion.

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