This code installs the "meta" package, creates a new directory...

May 13, 2024 at 12:25 AM

#安装包、加载包 install.packages("meta") library(meta) #建立工作目录 dir.create("c:/ztslec") #设置工作目录 setwd("c:/ztslec") #查看当前工作目录 getwd() #建立数据集 li.dat<-data.frame( study=c("Abraham 1987","Bhargava 1995","Ceremuzynski 1989"," Gyamlani 2000","Nakashima 2004","Rasmussen 1986","Santoro 2000","Shechter 1990","Shechter 1991","Shechter 1995","Singh 1990","Smith 1986","Thogersen 1995","Urek 1996","Woods 1992","Wu 1992","Zhu 2002","Feldstedt 1991","ISIS-4 1995","MAGIC 2000","Morton 1984","Raghu 1999"), rt = c(1,3,1,2,1,4,0,1,2,4,6,2,4,1,90,5,101,10,2216,475,1,6), nt =c(48,40,25,50,89,56,75,50,21,96,81,92,130,31,1150,125,1691,150,29011,3113,40,169), rc = c(1,3,3,10,3,14,1,9,4,17,11,7,8,0,118,12,134,8,2103,472,2,18), nc = c(46,38,23,50,91,74,75,53,25,98,81,93,122,30,1150,102,1488,148,29039,3100,36,181)) #拟合随机效应和固定效应模型,并绘制森林图 result.meta <- metabin(event.e=rt, n.e=nt, event.c=rc, n.c=nc,data=li.dat,sm = "OR", method = "Inverse",method.tau = "REML",studlab = study) forest(result.meta) pdf("forest.pdf",height=7,width=11) forest(result.meta)

This code installs the "meta" package, creates a new directory "c:/ztslec", sets it as the working directory, and then creates a dataset "li.dat" with some sample data.

After that, it fits random-effects and fixed-effects models using the metabin function, calculates the odds ratio, and creates a forest plot visualization of the results.

Finally, it saves the forest plot as a PDF file named "forest.pdf".

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