This code is using the jQuery library and is defining...

March 28, 2023 at 05:27 PM

$(function() { initSlick('.global-top-banner .pagebuilder-column-group', 3, 3, 1, 0, true); });

This code is using the jQuery library and is defining an anonymous function that will be executed when the page finishes loading.

The function is calling another function called initSlick with six arguments:

  • '.global-top-banner .pagebuilder-column-group' : a CSS selector for the element(s) to which the Slick carousel will be applied.
  • 3: the number of slides to show at once on desktop screens.
  • 3: the number of slides to show at once on tablet screens.
  • 1: the number of slides to show at once on mobile screens.
  • 0: the number of slides to initially offset when starting the carousel.
  • true: whether or not to enable infinite looping.

initSlick is presumably a custom function defined elsewhere in the codebase that initializes a Slick carousel plugin with the given options.

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