This code imports the LinearRegression class from the sklearn.linear_model module....

April 19, 2024 at 08:41 AM

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression # Training data X = df.loc[ : , ["Time"]] # features y = df.loc[ : , "NumVehicles"] # target # Train the model model = LinearRegression(), y) # Store the fitted values as a time series with the same time index as the training data y_pred = pd.Series(model.predict(X), index = X.index)

This code imports the LinearRegression class from the sklearn.linear_model module. It then prepares training data by extracting features (X) and target values (y) from a DataFrame (df). Next, it creates a LinearRegression model, trains the model using the training data, and then generates predicted values (y_pred) based on the trained model for the same time index as the training data.

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