The provided MATLAB code defines a function `function2` that builds...

February 4, 2025 at 06:05 AM

function u = function2(x,s) u = [x, x+s]; while sum(u) < 100 u = [ u (u(end))+s]; end end function2(0.5, 10.1)

The provided MATLAB code defines a function function2 that builds an array u based on the inputs x and s. Here's a detailed explanation of what it does:

Code Behavior:

  1. Input parameters:

    • x: A starting value.
    • s: A step size.
  2. Initialization:

    • The function starts with u as a 1x2 array: [x, x+s].
    • For the input (0.5, 10.1), the initial value of u is [0.5, 10.6].
  3. While loop:

    • The while loop runs as long as the sum of all elements in u is less than 100.
    • Inside the loop:
      • The last element of u (u(end)) is incremented by s, and the resulting value is appended to the array u.
  4. Final output:

    • The loop stops once the sum of elements in u becomes 100 or more.
    • The function returns the final array u.

For the given input:

  • function2(0.5, 10.1):
    1. Start with u = [0.5, 10.6].
    2. Sum: 0.5 + 10.6 = 11.1 < 100, so enter the loop.
    3. Append u(end) + s = 10.6 + 10.1 = 20.7, so u = [0.5, 10.6, 20.7].
    4. Sum: 0.5 + 10.6 + 20.7 = 31.8 < 100, so repeat.
    5. Append u(end) + s = 20.7 + 10.1 = 30.8, so u = [0.5, 10.6, 20.7, 30.8].
    6. Sum: 0.5 + 10.6 + 20.7 + 30.8 = 62.6 < 100, so repeat.
    7. Append u(end) + s = 30.8 + 10.1 = 40.9, so u = [0.5, 10.6, 20.7, 30.8, 40.9].
    8. Sum: 0.5 + 10.6 + 20.7 + 30.8 + 40.9 = 103.5 ≥ 100, so the loop ends.

The final output for these input parameters is:

u = [0.5, 10.6, 20.7, 30.8, 40.9]

Summary of what the code does:

This code creates and returns an array u that starts with [x, x+s] and repeatedly appends the last element incremented by s until the sum of all elements in the array is greater than or equal to 100.

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