The Caesar cipher is a basic encryption technique that shifts...
February 4, 2025 at 07:05 PM
The Caesar cipher is a basic encryption technique that shifts each letter in the input text by a fixed number of positions in the alphabet. Here is what a Caesar cipher code for encrypting "Hello World" would typically do:
- Convert "Hello World" into individual characters.
- Shift each alphabetic character by a specified number of positions.
- Letters wrap around if they go past 'Z' for uppercase or 'z' for lowercase.
- Non-alphabetic characters (like spaces) are left unchanged.
- Recombine the shifted characters into the encrypted text.
For example:
- If the shift is 3:
- 'H' becomes 'K'
- 'e' becomes 'h'
- 'l' becomes 'o'
- Space stays as space
- 'W' becomes 'Z'
- Result: "Khoor Zruog"
In summary, this code would apply a Caesar cipher shift to encrypt the input text "Hello World" and produce the encoded output, like "Khoor Zruog" for a shift of 3.
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