This code represents a Java Enterprise Bean (EJB) class named...

December 30, 2024 at 06:35 AM

package com.ofss.fcc; import com.ofss.fcc.common.FCApplicationGlobals; import com.ofss.fcc.common.FCServiceLocator; import com.ofss.fcc.exception.FCSchedulerException; import com.ofss.fcc.gateway.GWJMSQueueService; import com.ofss.fcc.jems.common.ftp.FCFtpJems; import com.ofss.fcc.jems.common.mail.FCMailJems; import com.ofss.fcc.jems.common.queue.FCQueueJems; import com.ofss.fcc.jems.core.db.FCJemsDbUtil; import com.ofss.fcc.jems.core.util.FCJemsUtil; import com.ofss.fcc.logger.ApplicationLog; import com.ofss.fcc.logger.GWLogger; import com.ofss.fcc.utility.FCEMSUtil; import com.ofss.fcc.utility.FCSMSUtility; import com.ofss.fcc.utility.FCUtility; import com.ofss.fcc.utility.GWGenUtils; import com.ofss.flexnet.core.service.router.RouterService; import com.ofss.utility.FCSchedulerUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Clob; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.Date; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.Resource; import javax.ejb.Asynchronous; import javax.ejb.SessionContext; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.jms.Queue; import javax.jms.QueueConnection; import javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory; import javax.jms.QueueSender; import javax.jms.QueueSession; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; @Stateless(name = "EMSOutEJB") public class EMSOutEJBBean implements EMSOutEJB, EMSOutEJBLocal { @Resource SessionContext mySessionCtx; private QueueSession g_Qses = null; private QueueConnection g_Qcon = null; private String qConnectionFactory = null; private QueueSender g_Qsend = null; private boolean g_transacted = true; private boolean logreq = true; private List emsOutMsgs = null; private String userId = "Scheduler_"; private final String MDMO_ALIAS = "DLY_MSG_OUT"; private final String FCROFC = "FCROFC"; private final String FCPMNT = "FCPMTS"; private final String FCCL = "FCCPLN"; private final String OBTF = "OBTF"; private final String OBTR = "OBTR"; private Set<String> dlyMsgOutCols = null; FCJemsUtil jeu = null; FCJemsDbUtil ifjemsdbutil = null; FCQueueJems queuejems = null; FCFtpJems ftpjems = null; FCMailJems mailjems = null; private Properties emsProp = null; private String fileType = null; private String swiftFormat = null; private String mediaout = null; private String fromAddr = null; private String ipAddress = null; private String oTrnsfrMode = "FTP"; private String oFtpServer = null; private int oFtpPort = 990; private String oFtpId = null; private String oFtpPwd = null; private String kwnHostPath = null; private String init_ctx_factory = null; private String provider_url = null; private String dlQ = null; private String dQueueCf = null; static int noOfMedia = 10; private String qPrincipal = null; private String qCredentials = null; private GWLogger g_gwLog = null; private static String key_EMS_Log_OUT = ""; private String jobcode = null; private String dcn = null; private String media = null; private String node = null; private String mcs = null; private String hostCode = null; private static final String PR_PROCESS_EMSOUT_PRC = "pr_process_emsOut"; private String pdeFlag = null; private SFMSMessageSigner sfmsMessageSigner = new SFMSMessageSigner(); private boolean sfmsSignFlag = false; private static final String GET_SEPA_MESSAGES_FOR_PROCESSING = "select * from MSTB_EMS_FILE_MSG_OUT where HOST_CODE=? AND FILE_STATUS in ('N','E')"; private static final String GET_FILE_MESSAGE = "select MESSAGE from MSTB_EMS_FILE_OUT_DETAIL where FILE_REF_ID=?";

This code represents a Java Enterprise Bean (EJB) class named EMSOutEJBBean, which is part of a system for handling some form of outbound messaging. Here's an overview of what the code does:

  1. Imports and Dependencies:

    • The code imports various classes and packages required for database operations (Connection, PreparedStatement), Java Messaging Service (JMS), file handling, logging, utilities, and other custom libraries presumably used for tasks like FTP, email, and queue management.
    • It relies heavily on external and custom libraries for functionality such as logging, database utilities, JMS queue handling, and secure message signing.
  2. EJB State Management:

    • Annotated with @Stateless, this class is a stateless session bean, meaning it doesn't maintain a conversational state with the client. It is used for performing specific operations without holding specific data between calls.
  3. Resource Injection:

    • It uses @Resource to inject the EJB session context (SessionContext), which can be used to manage the state and context of the current EJB session.
  4. JMS (Java Messaging System) Configuration:

    • The class defines configuration for JMS components, including a QueueSession, QueueConnection, QueueSender, and connection factory (qConnectionFactory), used for managing and sending messages to JMS queues.
    • The properties such as qPrincipal, qCredentials, etc., configure authentication and connection details for the JMS provider.
  5. Database Interactions:

    • The database utilities (FCJemsDbUtil) and SQL queries (GET_SEPA_MESSAGES_FOR_PROCESSING, GET_FILE_MESSAGE) suggest that this class interacts with a database. It appears to fetch messages from the database that are marked for processing and retrieve message content based on a file reference ID.
  6. Message and File Handling:

    • The class hints at processing different types of messages (e.g., SEPA file messages) and supports integration with file transfer utilities like FTP (FCFtpJems) to send messages to external systems.
    • It may support additional output mechanisms (mediaout), such as sending via email (FCMailJems) or JMS queues (FCQueueJems).
  7. Secure Messaging:

    • The presence of SFMSMessageSigner and a corresponding flag (sfmsSignFlag) indicates that the system deals with securely signed messages for certain protocols or formats, possibly ensuring message integrity or authentication.
  8. Job Scheduling and Configuration:

    • Properties such as jobcode, node, mcs, and hostCode suggest it performs scheduled or batch jobs, potentially interacting with custom job schedulers (FCSchedulerUtils).
    • Configuration parameters like oTrnsfrMode (transfer mode), oFtpServer (FTP server), etc., manage the behavior of data transmission.
  9. Custom Utilities and Logging:

    • The class makes use of custom utilities (FCJemsUtil, GWGenUtils, etc.) and logging frameworks (GWLogger, ApplicationLog) tailored to the application for message processing and audit logging.
  10. Constants and Defaults:

    • Several constants are defined for recurring functionality like message types (MDMO_ALIAS, FCCL, etc.), SQL procedure names, and default configuration such as oFtpPort (FTP port 990) and the asynchronous processing flag (g_transacted).


This code defines a session bean that acts as a core processing unit for handling outbound electronic messages. It integrates various utility classes, databases, queues, and file transfer mechanisms to handle message retrieval, processing, and transmission securely and asynchronously. The class is part of a larger messaging-focused Java EE application designed to support multiple output media and protocols.

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