The code creates a list of phone numbers with country...

March 28, 2023 at 07:54 PM

list1 = [+71234567890, +71234567854, +61234576890, +52134567890, +21235777890, +21234567110, +71232267890] d = {} for number in numbers: code = number[:2] d.setdefault(code, []).append(number) print(*sorted(d.items()))

The code creates a list of phone numbers with country codes, and then creates an empty dictionary called d. It then iterates through each number in the list, extracts the first two digits (which represent the country code), and adds the number to a list associated with that code in the dictionary d. Finally, it prints out the sorted key-value pairs of the d dictionary, where the key is the country code and the value is a list of phone numbers with that code.

In summary, the code groups the given list of phone numbers by their country code and prints them sorted by the country code.

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