This code creates an empty list called "customers". It then...

November 21, 2023 at 09:48 AM

customers = [] customers.append((2, "Sevilla")) customers.append((3, "Lumantas")) customers.sort(reverse = True) customers.append((1, "Pascual")) customers.sort(reverse = True) customers.append((4, "Cruz")) customers.sort(reverse = True) while customers: print(customers.pop(0))

This code creates an empty list called "customers". It then appends tuples to the list, where each tuple contains an integer and a string. The list is then sorted in descending order based on the first element of each tuple.

After that, more tuples are appended to the list, and the list is sorted again in descending order.

Finally, a while loop is used to iterate through the list and print each tuple while removing it from the list. The tuples are printed in the order they were originally appended, which is in descending order based on the first element of each tuple.

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