The code defines two functions, `eachTimesFn` and `mapTimesFn`. The `eachTimesFn`...

March 29, 2023 at 09:28 AM

function eachTimesFn (count, iterator){ if (!count){ return []; } for (i = 0; i < count; i++){ iterator(i); } } function mapTimesFn (count, iterator){ const result = []; eachTimesFn(count, function (i){ result.push(iterator(i)); }); return result; } mapTimes(count, function (index) { let pt; angle = angle + (this.options.spiralFootSeparation / legLength + index * 0.0005); pt = { x: legLength * Math.cos(angle), y: legLength * Math.sin(angle), angle: angle, legLength: legLength, index: index, }; legLength = legLength + (twoPi * options.spiralLengthFactor / angle); return pt; });

The code defines two functions, eachTimesFn and mapTimesFn. The eachTimesFn function takes in a count and an iterator function, and executes the iterator function count number of times, passing in the index to the iterator function each time. If the count is falsy (e.g. zero), then it returns an empty array.

The mapTimesFn function takes in a count and an iterator function, and creates an empty array called result. It then calls eachTimesFn with the count and an anonymous function that takes in the index, calls the iterator function with the index, and pushes the result onto the result array. Finally, it returns the result array.

The code then calls mapTimes with an anonymous function that takes in an index parameter. Within the function, it initializes a variable pt, updates the angle variable, calculates x and y coordinates using the legLength and angle, and updates legLength. Finally, it returns the pt object. Since mapTimes is calling this anonymous function for each index from 0 to count - 1, the returned objects are added to the result array and ultimately returned by mapTimesFn.

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