The provided code is part of a Java method, likely...

December 30, 2024 at 07:26 AM

String EMS_OUT_QRY_ORDERBY = "order by MEDIA_PRIORITY, MSG_PRIORITY"; this.logreq = !(p_logReq != null && p_logReq.equalsIgnoreCase("N")); this.userId = "Scheduler_" + jobName; ApplicationLog.getInstance().setDebug(this.userId, this.logreq); dbg("getEMSOutMsgs-->inside getEMSOutMsgs Job"); int curProcessStat = 0; int processCnt = 0; int paramBlockSize = 100; StringBuffer emsQryBuf = new StringBuffer(emsOutQuery); StringBuffer emsQryLckBuf = new StringBuffer(emsOutQueryLck); PreparedStatement pstmt = null; PreparedStatement pstmtLock = null; PreparedStatement updPstmt = null; String whereCond = ""; this.emsOutMsgs = new ArrayList(); dbg("getEMSOutMsgs-->before Where class"); if (params != null) { String blkSize = (String)params.get("BLOCK_SIZE"); whereCond = (String)params.get("WHERE_CLAUSE"); if (whereCond != "" && whereCond != null && !"null".equals(whereCond)) { if (this.dlyMsgOutCols == null || this.dlyMsgOutCols.isEmpty()) { ResultSet dlyMsgOutColRS = null; PreparedStatement dlyMsgColPstmt = null; try { dbg("getEMSOutMsgs-->Getting DB Connection,executing dlyMsgOutColumQry"); ds = FCServiceLocator.getInstance().getDataSource(jndiName); conn = ds.getConnection(); dlyMsgColPstmt = conn.prepareStatement(dlyMsgOutColumQry); dlyMsgOutColRS = dlyMsgColPstmt.executeQuery(); this.dlyMsgOutCols = new HashSet<>(); while ( this.dlyMsgOutCols.add(dlyMsgOutColRS.getString(1)); } catch (SQLException e) { dbg("SQLException :" + e.getMessage()); } finally { try { if (dlyMsgOutColRS != null) dlyMsgOutColRS.close(); } catch (SQLException sQLException) {} try { if (dlyMsgColPstmt != null) dlyMsgColPstmt.close(); } catch (SQLException sQLException) {} try { if (conn != null) conn.close(); } catch (SQLException sQLException) {} } } whereCond = " and " + whereCond; emsQryBuf.append(alterEmsOutQryWhereClause(whereCond)); emsQryLckBuf.append(whereCond); } try { if (blkSize != null && !"null".equals(blkSize)) paramBlockSize = Integer.parseInt(blkSize); } catch (Exception exp) { dbg("getEMSOutMsgs-->could not get block size"); ApplicationLog.getInstance().writeException(this.userId, exp); } paramNode = (String)params.get("NODE"); paramNode = (paramNode == null) ? "" : paramNode; paramMcs = (String)params.get("MCS"); String str1 = paramMcs = (paramMcs == null) ? "" : paramMcs; } if (whereCond == null) whereCond = "Not Maintained"; dbg("getEMSOutMsgs-->whereCond is " + whereCond); dbg("getEMSOutMsgs-->paramBlockSize is " + paramBlockSize); dbg("getEMSOutMsgs-->Job Name is " + jobName); try { emsQryBuf.append(EMS_OUT_QRY_ORDERBY); emsQryLckBuf.append(" ORDER BY PRIORITY FOR UPDATE NOWAIT"); dbg("getEMSOutMsgs-->Getting DB Connection"); ds = FCServiceLocator.getInstance().getDataSource(jndiName); conn = ds.getConnection(); pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(emsQryBuf.toString()); if (sModuleGroup.equalsIgnoreCase("FCPMTS")) { // Set utilDate to the current date Date utilDate = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); dbg("getEMSOutMsgs-->Current Date is " + utilDate); //Date utilDate = new java.sql.Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); //..Date utilDate = new Date(); Date date = new Date(utilDate.getTime()); }

The provided code is part of a Java method, likely responsible for retrieving and processing "EMS Out Messages" from a database. Here's a detailed explanation of what this code does:

  1. Initial Variable Setup:

    • EMS_OUT_QRY_ORDERBY: Defines an SQL clause to order results by MEDIA_PRIORITY and MSG_PRIORITY.
    • Logging (logreq): Determines if logging is enabled (true) or disabled (false) based on the value of p_logReq.
    • userId: Constructs a user ID string using the jobName.
    • Sets debug logging and initializes counters for processing.
  2. Query Preparation:

    • Two SQL query buffers (emsQryBuf, emsQryLckBuf) are prepared using base queries (emsOutQuery, emsOutQueryLck).
    • emsOutMsgs: An ArrayList initialized to hold EMS messages.
  3. Parameter Processing from params:

    • If params object is not null, the following actions occur:
      • Reads parameters like BLOCK_SIZE (default 100), WHERE_CLAUSE, NODE, MCS.
      • Processes the WHERE_CLAUSE to modify SQL filters dynamically.
      • If no dynamic columns (dlyMsgOutCols) are cached, retrieves them from the database using dlyMsgOutColumQry.
  4. Retrieve Dynamic Columns:

    • Executes a database query to fetch dynamic columns and adds them to a HashSet (dlyMsgOutCols).
    • Uses JDBC (PreparedStatement and ResultSet) to retrieve and store the results.
    • Ensures resources (ResultSet, PreparedStatement, Connection) are closed properly in a finally block.
  5. Append Additional Filters:

    • Adds the WHERE_CLAUSE to the two query buffers (emsQryBuf, emsQryLckBuf).
    • Prepends "and" if necessary to maintain valid SQL syntax.
  6. Set Block Size:

    • Parses the BLOCK_SIZE parameter into an integer (paramBlockSize) with fallback to 100 in case of an error.
  7. Parameter Defaults:

    • Ensures parameters like NODE and MCS are not null by assigning default values as empty strings.
  8. Final SQL Query Construction:

    • Appends sorting (order by MEDIA_PRIORITY, MSG_PRIORITY) to the first query buffer (emsQryBuf).
    • Modifies the second query buffer with locking (FOR UPDATE NOWAIT).
  9. Database Connection and Query Execution:

    • Obtains a database connection from a datasource with FCServiceLocator.
    • Constructs a JDBC PreparedStatement from the built query for retrieval.
    • Retrieves the current date if the module group (sModuleGroup) is "FCPMTS" (though it doesn't seem to be further utilized).
  10. Debugging Information:

    • Outputs debug logs at multiple stages to track progress and diagnostic information, such as whereCond, paramBlockSize, jobName, and the current date.

Purpose of the Code Block:

The objective of this code is to dynamically construct and execute SQL queries based on passed parameters (BLOCK_SIZE, WHERE_CLAUSE) to fetch EMS messages, potentially filtered and ordered, from a database. It also retrieves metadata if required, logs operations, handles exceptions, and ensures resource cleanup.

Key Observations:

  • It performs dynamic query construction with a focus on making use of a WHERE_CLAUSE provided via input.
  • Implements robust exception handling and resource cleanup (e.g., database connections).
  • May involve high-level orchestration in a job scheduler or messaging system due to the use of jobName and dynamic parameters.

Potential Use Cases:

  • Fetching messages or tasks for processing in a queuing system.
  • Dynamically filtering and locking database records for further updates or processing.
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