This code renames specific files within the WindowsApps directory for...

May 12, 2024 at 11:52 AM

FOR /D /R "%ProgramW6432%\WindowsApps" %%i IN ("Adobe.XD_*") DO ( REN "%%i\XD.exe" "XD.exe.bak" & COPY /b /y "XD.exe" "%%i\XD.exe" & REN "%%i\LogTransport2.exe" "LogTransport2.exe.bak" ) FOR /D /R "%ProgramW6432%\WindowsApps" %%i IN ("Adobe.Fresco_*") DO ( REN "%%i\gemini_uwp_bridge.dll" "gemini_uwp_bridge.dll.bak" & COPY /b /y "gemini_uwp_bridge.dll" "%%i\gemini_uwp_bridge.dll" )

This code renames specific files within the WindowsApps directory for Adobe XD and Adobe Fresco applications. It renames the XD.exe and LogTransport2.exe files for Adobe XD, and the gemini_uwp_bridge.dll file for Adobe Fresco. Additionally, it creates backup copies of the original files by adding a ".bak" extension to their names.

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