This code appears to be a function implemented for the...

February 4, 2025 at 03:28 PM

void mapFileAndPrintSize(LPCSTR param_1,undefined8 param_2,undefined8 param_3,undefined8 param_4) { undefined8 uVar1; undefined8 uVar2; undefined4 local_28; undefined4 uStack_24; undefined4 uStack_20; undefined4 uStack_1c; undefined local_18 [24]; /* 0x2180 17 mapFileAndPrintSize */ uVar2 = 1; local_28 = 0xffffffff; uStack_24 = 0xffffffff; uStack_20 = 0; uStack_1c = 0; local_18._0_16_ = ZEXT816(0); uVar1 = FUN_140002070((HANDLE *)&local_28,param_1,1); if ((int)uVar1 == 0) { printf_140002560("Failed!\n",param_1,uVar2,param_4); } else { printf_140002560("Size %d, at %p\n",(ulonglong)(uint)local_18._8_4_,local_18._0_8_,param_4); } if ((LPCVOID)local_18._0_8_ != (LPCVOID)0x0) { UnmapViewOfFile((LPCVOID)local_18._0_8_); } if ((HANDLE)CONCAT44(uStack_1c,uStack_20) != (HANDLE)0x0) { CloseHandle((HANDLE)CONCAT44(uStack_1c,uStack_20)); } if ((HANDLE)CONCAT44(uStack_24,local_28) != (HANDLE)0x0) { CloseHandle((HANDLE)CONCAT44(uStack_24,local_28)); } return; }

This code appears to be a function implemented for the Windows operating system, involving the manipulation of file mapping and working with handles. Here's a breakdown of what the code does:

  1. Initialization and Variable Setup:

    • The function initializes a set of local variables with specific default values (e.g., local_28 = 0xffffffff).
    • local_18 is likely a structure or buffer that gets initialized to zero.
  2. Calling the FUN_140002070 function:

    • The function calls FUN_140002070 with references to local_28 (and related variables), param_1 (likely a file path or filename), and a 1 as other arguments.
    • We don't have the implementation of FUN_140002070, but judging by context, it seems to involve opening a file/mapping it into memory, and filling local_18 with details about the file, potentially file size or file location.
  3. Checking the Status of the Operation:

    • After calling FUN_140002070, the code checks the return value uVar1. If the value is 0, it indicates a failure, and a formatted error message is printed using printf_140002560.
  4. Successful Mapping Case:

    • If FUN_140002070 succeeds (uVar1 != 0), the code prints information about the mapped file.
    • Specifically:
      • The size of the file is extracted from the local_18 structure (likely at an offset of 8, based on local_18._8_4_).
      • The base memory address where the file was mapped is also extracted (using local_18._0_8_).
      • A success message is printed using printf_140002560.
  5. Cleanup:

    • If a file was successfully mapped into memory (local_18._0_8_ is not 0), it is unmapped with the UnmapViewOfFile function.
    • If there are valid file or mapping handles (uStack_1c, uStack_20), they are closed using CloseHandle.
    • The same is done for other handles (local_28, uStack_24) if they were opened.
  6. Return:

    • The function cleans up resources and returns.

What Does This Function Do?

  • Purpose: This function attempts to map a file into memory, prints its size and memory address if successful, and cleans up resources afterward.
  • If the mapping fails, it prints an error message.
  • It uses a helper function (FUN_140002070) to open/map the file and Windows API functions such as UnmapViewOfFile and CloseHandle to manage resources.


  • FUN_140002070 is a custom function for file opening/mapping.
  • printf_140002560 is a custom function for formatted output, similar to printf, but possibly with extra functionality for parameter handling.
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