The given code snippet seems intended to be executed in...

January 2, 2025 at 03:06 PM

while(1) {ps | sort -des cpu | select -f 15 | ft -a; sleep 1; cls}

The given code snippet seems intended to be executed in a shell-like environment (possibly PowerShell) and appears to implement the following functionality step-by-step:

  1. while(1): This establishes an infinite loop. The commands inside { ... } will run repeatedly until the execution is stopped manually (e.g., with CTRL+C).

  2. ps: In PowerShell, this calls the Get-Process cmdlet, which lists all the currently running processes on the system, including their resource usage statistics (CPU, memory, etc.).

  3. |: The pipe operator sends the output of one command as input to the next.

  4. sort -des cpu: This sorts the output of ps by the cpu usage column in descending order. (Note: In PowerShell, the syntax would generally be Sort-Object -Property CPU -Descending rather than sort -des cpu, which seems slightly unconventional.)

  5. select -f 15: This selects the top 15 entries from the sorted list. In PowerShell, the correct syntax is likely Select-Object -First 15, but this command might be in a different shell.

  6. ft -a: This likely stands for Format-Table -AutoSize. It formats the data from the processes into a table and automatically adjusts column sizes for better readability.

  7. ; sleep 1;: This pauses the execution for 1 second. The sleep command causes a delay, which ensures that the process list gets refreshed at regular intervals of 1 second.

  8. cls: Clears the console screen before displaying the next iteration of results. (cls is a command to clear the console window.)

Overall, what does the code do?

This code continuously monitors the top 15 processes with the highest CPU usage on the system, refreshing the display every second by clearing the console and printing updated information. It is likely intended to provide a real-time view of resource usage in a formatted table view.

Note: The syntax suggests this code is not purely standard PowerShell and may need some adjustments depending on the shell or environment being used.

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