The given code snippet queues a **cookie** named `'locale'` with...

February 4, 2025 at 08:35 AM

Cookie::queue('locale', $locale, 60);

The given code snippet queues a cookie named 'locale' with a specific value and an expiration time.


  • Cookie::queue(): This is a method most commonly used in Laravel, a PHP framework, for queuing a cookie creation. Queued cookies will automatically be included in the user's HTTP response.

  • 'locale': This is the name of the cookie you are setting. In this case, the name is 'locale', which could typically be used to store the user's language or localization preference.

  • $locale: This is the value being stored in the cookie. It represents the locale information, such as 'en' for English, 'fr' for French, etc.

  • 60: This represents the expiration time of the cookie in minutes. The cookie will be stored on the user's browser for 60 minutes.

What it does:

The code sets a cookie named 'locale' with a value of $locale (e.g., 'en') that will expire in 60 minutes. It queues the cookie so it will be sent to the user's browser as part of the HTTP response.

In short, this is used to store the user's locale preference temporarily in a cookie for localization purposes.

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