The code imports several functions and objects from different modules....

March 29, 2023 at 09:14 AM

import { onMounted, computed, ref, Ref } from 'vue' import { message } from 'ant-design-vue'; import { PaginationParams } from 'types/table.d'

The code imports several functions and objects from different modules. Specifically:

  • onMounted, computed, ref: These are functions imported from the Vue.js library. onMounted is a lifecycle hook used to perform an action after the component has mounted in the DOM, computed is used to create a reactive computed property, and ref is used to create a reactive reference.
  • Ref: This is a type imported from the Vue.js library that represents a reactive reference.
  • message: This is an object imported from the ant-design-vue library. It provides a message notification system for displaying feedback to the user.
  • PaginationParams: This is a type imported from a custom module types/table.d. It represents the parameters for paginating a table.

Without seeing the rest of the code, it is difficult to determine exactly how these imports are used. However, they suggest that the code is likely building a Vue.js component that utilizes pagination on a table and uses the ant-design-vue library for UI elements.

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