The code has the following behavior related to variable scope: 1....

February 4, 2025 at 04:54 PM

Given the following code, which line or lines will not work due to scope issues? myName = "Jill" def say_your_name(): yourName = "Bob" print(yourName) print(myName) return say_your_name() print(yourName) Line 9 Lines 5 and 8 Line 8 Line 5

The code has the following behavior related to variable scope:

  1. The variable myName is defined outside the function, making it a global variable.

    • Therefore, it is accessible both inside and outside the function.
  2. The variable yourName is defined inside the say_your_name function, making it a local variable. Local variables are accessible only within the function in which they are defined.

Now, let's analyze each line:

  • Line 5: print(yourName)
    This will work because yourName is a local variable defined within the say_your_name function, and print(yourName) is executed inside the same scope where yourName exists.

  • Line 8: print(myName)
    This will also work because myName is a global variable, and global variables are accessible inside functions.

  • Line 9: print(yourName)
    This will not work because yourName is a local variable that exists only within the say_your_name function. When we try to access it outside the function on line 9, it will result in a NameError.

Final Answer:

Line 9 will not work due to scope issues.

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