This code runs a PowerShell command with hidden window style...

May 23, 2023 at 04:06 AM

C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -WindowStyle Hidden -ExecutionPolicy bypass -c "Start-Sleep 2100";"& 'C:\Users\Anna T\AppData\Roaming\Browser Extension\updater.exe' /silentall -nofreqcheck

This code runs a PowerShell command with hidden window style and bypasses the execution policy. It performs the following actions:

  1. It starts a sleep timer for 2100 seconds (35 minutes) using the Start-Sleep command.
  2. After the sleep timer ends, it runs the updater.exe file located in the C:\Users\Anna T\AppData\Roaming\Browser Extension directory with the /silentall and -nofreqcheck command-line arguments.

The /silentall argument typically indicates that the updater will run silently without any user interaction, and -nofreqcheck may suggest that the updater will not check for update frequency before performing the update. However, the exact behavior depends on the implementation of the updater.exe file.

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