### What this code does: The provided code implements **Jacobi's iterative...

January 2, 2025 at 03:20 PM

using CUDA # Jacobi metoda function jacobi_solver_kernel!(G, B, X, X_new, n) i = threadIdx().x + (blockIdx().x - 1) * blockDim().x if i <= n sum = B[i] for j in 1:n if j != i sum -= G[(i-1) * n + j] * X[j] end end X_new[i] = sum / G[(i-1) * n + i] end return end # Glavna funkcija za analizu DC tokova snaga function dc_power_flow_analysis(G, B, X, n, iterations) # Kopiranje podataka na GPU d_G = CuArray(G) d_B = CuArray(B) d_X = CuArray(X) d_X_new = CuArray(zeros(n)) # Definisanje CUDA mreže threads_per_block = 256 blocks = cld(n, threads_per_block) for iter in 1:iterations @cuda threads=threads_per_block blocks=blocks jacobi_solver_kernel!(d_G, d_B, d_X, d_X_new, n) CUDA.copyto!(d_X, d_X_new) end X_result = Array(d_X) return X_result end function main() n = 3 # Broj čvorova G = [ 4.0 -1.0 -1.0; -1.0 3.0 -1.0; -1.0 -1.0 3.0 ] |> vec # Matrica admitansi B = [1.0, 0.0, -1.0] X = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] iterations = 100 result = dc_power_flow_analysis(G, B, X, n, iterations) println("Rezultati:") for i in 1:n println("V[$i] = $(result[i])") end end main()

What this code does:

The provided code implements Jacobi's iterative method on the GPU (using CUDA) for solving a specific type of linear equation system. Specifically, it is used to calculate the Direct Current (DC) power flow in electrical circuits modeled by nodal admittance matrices.

Here’s a detailed breakdown:

1. Kernel Function (jacobi_solver_kernel!)

This is a CUDA kernel designed to compute a single Jacobi iteration for the system ( G \cdot X = B ), where:

  • ( G ) is the nodal admittance matrix (the coefficient matrix).
  • ( B ) is the vector of constants (external current injections or power demands).
  • ( X ) is the solution vector (e.g., voltage at nodes in a grid).

The function performs the Jacobi update on the GPU:

  1. Each thread processes a specific row of the system (if relevant based on the thread's index).
  2. For each row, it calculates the new ( X[i] ): [ X[i]{\text{new}} = \frac{B[i] - \sum{j \neq i} G[i, j] \cdot X[j]}{G[i, i]} ]
    • Here, ( G ) is indexed as a flattened array (1D), and ( G[i, j] ) is accessed as G[(i-1)*n + j].

2. Main Functionality (dc_power_flow_analysis)

This function orchestrates the DC power flow analysis and the iterative Jacobi solver:

  • The primary inputs are:
    • ( G ): Nodal admittance matrix (flattened for GPU computation).
    • ( B ): Constants vector (right-hand side of the equation).
    • ( X ): Initial solution guess (usually zeros).
    • ( n ): Number of nodes.
    • iterations: Maximum number of Jacobi iterations to perform.
  1. Data Transfer to GPU:

    • The ( G ), ( B ), and ( X ) arrays are copied to GPU memory via CuArray.
  2. CUDA Kernel Execution:

    • The kernel is launched repeatedly (iterations times) using a CUDA grid specified by:
      • threads_per_block: Number of threads per block.
      • blocks: Number of thread blocks.
  3. Copying Results Back from GPU:

    • The updated solution ( X ) is copied back to the CPU after each iteration.
  4. Output:

    • After the final iteration, the solution ( X ) is converted back to a CPU array and returned.

3. Main Program Execution (main)

This section provides a specific example setup for analyzing a 3-node DC grid:

  1. The nodal admittance matrix ( G ): [ G = \begin{bmatrix} 4 & -1 & -1 \ -1 & 3 & -1 \ -1 & -1 & 3 \end{bmatrix} ] This models the connections and properties of the grid.
  2. The ( B ) vector:
    • Describes external current injections or net power consumption: ( B = [1.0, 0.0, -1.0] ).
  3. The initial ( X ) vector (guesses): Initialized as zeros.

Finally, it prints the resulting node voltages ( V[i] ).


This CUDA-based code solves the linear problem ( G \cdot X = B ) using Jacobi iteration and computes the DC power flow in an electrical network iteratively for a given number of iterations. It leverages GPU acceleration to perform the updates in parallel for all rows.

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