The given code performs a nested SQL query that fetches...

March 29, 2023 at 10:04 AM

SELECT * FROM ( SELECT @row_num := IF(@prev_value=n.initiator_id,@row_num+1,1) AS 'RowNumber' , ,@prev_value := n.initiator_id FROM notifications n, (SELECT @row_num := 1) x, (SELECT @prev_value := '') y where n.notification_type = 4 ORDER BY n.initiator_id, n.event_time asc )

The given code performs a nested SQL query that fetches data from the "notifications" table. The outer query selects all columns from a derived table that is created by the inner query.

The inner query uses three tables - "notifications", "x", and "y". The "x" and "y" tables are used to initialize two session variables, "@row_num" and "@prev_value", respectively. These variables are used to generate row numbers for each group of notifications based on the initiator_id column.

The output of the inner query consists of four columns - "RowNumber", "id", "@row_num", and "@prev_value". The first column, "RowNumber", is calculated using a conditional expression that increments "@row_num" if the current initiator_id matches the previous value of "@prev_value". Otherwise, it resets "@row_num" to 1. The other columns simply capture the values of the id and initiator_id columns, as well as update "@prev_value" with the current initiator_id.

Finally, the outer query simply selects all columns from the derived table created by the inner query. The result set will include all columns from the original "notifications" table, plus an additional "RowNumber" column that contains the row number assigned to each notification group based on the initiator_id column. The results will only include rows where the notification_type equals 4, and they will be ordered by the initiator_id column in ascending order, then by the event_time column in ascending order.

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