The `recurseListDirSimple` function is a recursive directory traversal routine that...

February 4, 2025 at 03:16 PM

ulonglong recurseListDirSimple(void *param_1,uint *param_2,uint param_3,undefined8 param_4) { char cVar1; BOOL BVar2; HANDLE hFindFile; char *pcVar3; ulonglong uVar4; LPWIN32_FIND_DATAA lpFindFileData; size_t _Size; uint uVar6; ulonglong uVar7; uint local_res8 [2]; _WIN32_FIND_DATAA local_268; undefined4 local_128; undefined auStack_124 [268]; size_t sVar5; /* 0x1c00 19 recurseListDirSimple */ _Size = 0xffffffffffffffff; do { sVar5 = _Size; _Size = sVar5 + 1; } while (*(char *)((longlong)param_1 + _Size) != '\0'); cVar1 = *(char *)(sVar5 + (longlong)param_1); if ((cVar1 == '/') || (cVar1 == '*')) { uVar7 = 0xffffffff; } else { if (cVar1 == '\\') { *(undefined *)(sVar5 + (longlong)param_1) = 0; _Size = sVar5; } memset(&local_128,0,0x105); memcpy(&local_128,param_1,_Size); *(undefined4 *)((longlong)&local_128 + _Size) = 0x2a2e2a5c; uVar7 = 0x140; auStack_124[_Size] = 0; memset(&local_268,0,0x140); lpFindFileData = &local_268; *param_2 = 0; uVar6 = 0; hFindFile = FindFirstFileA((LPCSTR)&local_128,lpFindFileData); if (hFindFile == (HANDLE)0xffffffffffffffff) { uVar7 = 0; } else { do { if (local_268.cFileName[0] != '.') { *param_2 = *param_2 + local_268.nFileSizeLow; uVar6 = uVar6 + 1; local_res8[0] = 0; FUN_140001bc0(param_3,lpFindFileData,uVar7,param_4); if (((byte)local_268.dwFileAttributes & 0x10) == 0) { uVar7 = (ulonglong)local_268.nFileSizeLow; printf_140002560("%s %d\n",(longlong)&local_268 + 0x2c,uVar7,param_4); } else { printf_140002560("%s <folder>\n",(longlong)&local_268 + 0x2c,uVar7,param_4); *(undefined *)((longlong)&local_128 + _Size) = 0x5c; pcVar3 = (char *)((longlong)&local_268 + 0x2c); do { cVar1 = *pcVar3; pcVar3[_Size + 0x115] = cVar1; pcVar3 = pcVar3 + 1; } while (cVar1 != '\0'); uVar7 = (ulonglong)(param_3 + 1); uVar4 = recurseListDirSimple(&local_128,local_res8,param_3 + 1,param_4); if ((int)uVar4 < 0) { return uVar4; } uVar6 = uVar6 + (int)uVar4; *param_2 = *param_2 + local_res8[0]; } } lpFindFileData = &local_268; BVar2 = FindNextFileA(hFindFile,lpFindFileData); } while (BVar2 != 0); FUN_140001bc0(param_3,lpFindFileData,uVar7,param_4); printf_140002560(">>>> total %d in %d files\n\n",(ulonglong)*param_2,(ulonglong)uVar6,param_4) ; uVar7 = (ulonglong)uVar6; } } return uVar7; }

The recurseListDirSimple function is a recursive directory traversal routine that starts from a directory path provided in param_1. It uses Windows API functions to enumerate files and subdirectories, performs operations on them, and accumulates results. Here's a breakdown of what this function does:

Key Actions:

  1. Input Parsing:

    • The function expects a pointer to a directory path (param_1), a pointer to an accumulator for the total file size (param_2), a recursion depth (param_3), and an additional parameter (param_4), whose purpose isn't clear from the given context.

    • The function calculates the length of the directory path until the null terminator (\0).

    • If the last character of the path is a /, \, or *, it alters or removes it, ensuring the path is clean for further processing.

  2. File Search Initialization:

    • Constructs a search pattern by appending \*.* to the directory path, preparing it to search for all files and directories within the specified path.
    • Calls FindFirstFileA (from the Windows API) to find the first file or directory that matches the search pattern. If FindFirstFileA fails, the function immediately exits with a return value of 0.
  3. Directory Traversal:

    • The function iterates over all files and directories in the current directory using FindNextFileA.

    • For each item:

      • It skips entries where the file name starts with . (dot), which usually represent the current (.) and parent (..) directory pointers.
      • If the item is a file:
        • It increments the total file size (param_2) by the file's size (local_268.nFileSizeLow).
        • Optionally prints the file name and size using a printf_140002560-like function.
      • If the item is a directory:
        • Outputs the name with a <folder> tag and updates the search path to include this subdirectory.
        • Recursively calls recurseListDirSimple to process the subdirectory. Any error during this recursive traversal is returned immediately.
    • The FindNextFileA and FindFirstFileA calls enable iterating through and closing the directory search handle properly.

  4. Results Accumulation:

    • It keeps track of the number of files and directories encountered and accumulates their sizes in param_2.
    • Finally, it returns the count of files encountered in this directory and all its subdirectories.
  5. Output:

    • After processing all files and directories, it prints a summary showing the total size of all files in the directory and its subdirectories (param_2) and the total number of files (uVar6).

Windows API Functions Used:

  • FindFirstFileA and FindNextFileA: Used to enumerate files and subdirectories in a directory.
  • Win32_FIND_DATAA: A structure (local_268) is used to hold file attributes and information about each discovered file or directory.


  • Recursive Traversal: The function calls itself recursively to handle subdirectories. This allows it to traverse the entire directory tree starting from the given directory path (param_1).
  • String Manipulations:
    • It carefully constructs directory paths for subdirectory traversal.
    • Avoids trailing slashes or special characters that might interfere with path operations.
  • Error Handling: The function uses return values, like -1, to indicate errors during traversal or operations.


  • Error Reporting: The function does not handle all potential errors robustly (e.g., FindFirstFileA failure reasons are not logged).
  • Hardcoded Outputs (e.g., printf): The custom logging and output functions (printf_140002560) suggest the function is part of a larger system, but their implementations are unknown.


The recurseListDirSimple function performs recursive directory traversal, accumulating the total size of all files found and counting the number of files, while optionally printing information about each file and directory encountered. It primarily relies on the Windows API for directory traversal and seems to manage its resources (handles, memory) efficiently.

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