This code appears to perform a file copy operation from...

February 4, 2025 at 03:59 PM

ulonglong FUN_1400022a0(LPCSTR param_1,LPCSTR param_2) { BOOL BVar1; undefined8 uVar2; HANDLE hFile; uint uVar3; uint uVar5; ulonglong uVar6; DWORD local_res18 [4]; undefined4 local_38; undefined4 uStack_34; undefined4 uStack_30; undefined4 uStack_2c; undefined local_28 [16]; ulonglong uVar4; local_38 = 0xffffffff; uStack_34 = 0xffffffff; uStack_30 = 0; uStack_2c = 0; local_28 = ZEXT816(0); uVar2 = FUN_140002070((HANDLE *)&local_38,param_1,0); uVar6 = 0; if (((int)uVar2 != 0) && (hFile = CreateFileA(param_2,0x40000000,0,(LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)0x0,2,0,(HANDLE)0x0), hFile != (HANDLE)0xffffffffffffffff)) { uVar5 = local_28._8_4_; FUN_140002240((byte *)local_28._0_8_,uVar5,0); uVar4 = uVar6; do { local_res18[0] = 0; BVar1 = WriteFile(hFile,(LPCVOID)(uVar4 + local_28._0_8_),uVar5 - (int)uVar4,local_res18, (LPOVERLAPPED)0x0); if (BVar1 == 0) { CloseHandle(hFile); DeleteFileA(param_2); goto LAB_1400023b0; } uVar3 = (int)uVar4 + local_res18[0]; uVar4 = (ulonglong)uVar3; } while (uVar3 < uVar5); CloseHandle(hFile); uVar6 = 1; } LAB_1400023b0: if ((LPCVOID)local_28._0_8_ != (LPCVOID)0x0) { UnmapViewOfFile((LPCVOID)local_28._0_8_); } if ((HANDLE)CONCAT44(uStack_2c,uStack_30) != (HANDLE)0x0) { CloseHandle((HANDLE)CONCAT44(uStack_2c,uStack_30)); } if ((HANDLE)CONCAT44(uStack_34,local_38) != (HANDLE)0x0) { CloseHandle((HANDLE)CONCAT44(uStack_34,local_38)); } return uVar6; }

This code appears to perform a file copy operation from a source file (param_1) to a destination file (param_2) using memory-mapped file techniques in a Windows environment. Here's a breakdown of what it does:

  1. Initialization:

    • Several variables (like local_38, local_28, etc.) are initialized. In particular, local_38 is used to hold a file handle for the source file, while local_28 assists in memory mapping operations.
  2. Opening and Memory-Mapping the Source File:

    • FUN_140002070 is called with the source filename (param_1). This function presumably opens the source file and prepares it for memory mapping, returning some status (uVar2).
    • If the source file cannot be opened successfully (uVar2 is 0), the function proceeds to clean up and exit early with a return value of 0.
  3. Creating the Destination File:

    • The CreateFileA function is used to create the destination file (param_2) with write access (0x40000000), no sharing, and opening it in CREATE_ALWAYS mode (i.e., always create a new file, even if it already exists).
    • If the destination file cannot be created (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), the function proceeds to clean up and exit early with a return value of 0.
  4. Copying Data:

    • FUN_140002240 is called to map the source file into memory. Presumably, it populates local_28._0_8_ (the starting address of the mapped memory) and local_28._8_4_ (the size of the mapped file in bytes).
    • A do-while loop then writes the contents of the source file to the destination file in chunks using the WriteFile function.
    • If any WriteFile operation fails, the function deletes the partially created destination file (DeleteFileA(param_2)), closes the handle to the destination file, and exits with 0.
    • The loop continues until all bytes of the source file have been written to the destination file.
  5. Cleaning Up:

    • After the copy operation is complete, handles to the files are closed using CloseHandle.
    • If the memory-mapped view of the source file is still active (local_28._0_8_), it is unmapped using UnmapViewOfFile.
    • The function also ensures all file handles initialized earlier are closed properly.
  6. Return Value:

    • The function returns 1 if the copy operation is successful.
    • It returns 0 if the operation fails at any point.

In Summary:

This function attempts to copy a file (param_1) to a new file (param_2) using memory-mapped file techniques. It performs error-checking at each step (opening the source file, creating the destination file, writing data) and cleans up used resources appropriately. If successful, the function returns 1; otherwise, it returns 0.

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