This code defines a function called `Ye`. Here's what the...

January 11, 2025 at 02:59 AM

function Ye() { let t; L.addEventListener("mousemove", o => { const i =; clearTimeout(t), t = setTimeout( () => { r(i, 2) } , 20) } );

This code defines a function called Ye. Here's what the function does step by step:

  1. Define a variable t:

    • This variable will be used to store a timer ID created by setTimeout.
  2. Add a "mousemove" event listener to L:

    • The code listens for the "mousemove" event on an object or element L. This event is triggered whenever the mouse pointer moves over the target element.
  3. Define a callback function for the event listener:

    • This function receives an event object o that contains information about the "mousemove" event.
  4. Get the target of the event:

    • i = retrieves the element where the mousemove event occurred. This is stored in the variable i.
  5. Clear any previously set timer:

    • clearTimeout(t) stops any previously scheduled timeout function that was stored in t. This ensures that only the latest timeout will execute.
  6. Set a new timer:

    • t = setTimeout(() => { r(i, 2); }, 20) schedules a new function to execute after 20 milliseconds. The scheduled function calls r(i, 2).


This code listens for mousemove events on the L object or element. When the event occurs, it waits 20 milliseconds (after clearing any previous waiting timer) and then calls the function r, passing the event's target (i) and the value 2 as arguments. The 20ms delay ensures the function r is not called for every single mousemove event but only after a slight pause.

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