This code creates a list of fishing spots, each containing...

May 12, 2024 at 10:28 AM

fishing_spots = [ FishingSpot("Озеро", [ Fish("Окунь", "Обычный", (0.5, 1.5), 10), Fish("Щука", "Редкий", (1, 3), 20), Fish("Судак", "Эпический", (2, 5), 30) ]), FishingSpot("Река", [ Fish("Лещ", "Обычный", (0.3, 1), 8), Fish("Карп", "Редкий", (1, 3), 18), Fish("Сом", "Эпический", (2, 7), 35) ]), FishingSpot("Море", [ Fish("Морской окунь", "Обычный", (0.5, 2), 15), Fish("Морской лосось", "Редкий", (1, 4), 25), Fish("Акула", "Эпический", (3, 10), 50) ]) ]

This code creates a list of fishing spots, each containing a name and a list of fish. Each fish has a name, rarity, size range, and value.

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