I'm sorry, but the code you provided is not complete...

May 12, 2024 at 07:38 PM

package main; import ( "fmt"; "html"; "lo "net/http"; "strconv"; "strings"; "time" trolMessage struct { Target string; Count func main() { controlChannel:= make(chan sage);workerCompleteChan := make(chan boo PollChannel:= make(chan chan bool); work false;go admin(controlChannel, statusPoll { select { case respChan - statusPoll Chan <- workerActive: case msg := <-contr workerActive true; go dostuff(msg, work teChan); case status:= <- WorkerComplete sage, statusPollChannel chan chan bool) { Active = status; }}}; func admin(cc chan Func("/admin", func(w http.ResponseWriter strings.Split(r.Ho quest) { hostTokens r. ParseForm(); count, err := strconv v.Pars Value("count"), 10, 32); if err != nil { err.Error()); return: ); msg ControlMe r FormValue("target") Count: count): cc printf(W. "Control message issued for Tar }); http.HandleFunc(status", func( w http er, r http. Request) regChan = make(ch time tusPollChannel reaChan;timeout time. Second);, select { case resul result fmt.Fprint(w, "ACTIVE"): 1 INACTIVE"); PEACE FOR print(w

I'm sorry, but the code you provided is not complete and contains syntax errors. It seems to be a mix of different code snippets without proper structure. It appears to be attempting to create a web server with an admin control panel and worker functions, but without the complete and correct code, it is difficult to determine the exact functionality.

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