This code exports two functions, `createNamedReducer` and `NamedReducer`, and imports...

March 28, 2023 at 10:10 PM

import { Reducer } from 'redux'; export function createNamedReducer< Name extends string, ReduxReducer extends Reducer > (name: Name, reducer: ReduxReducer) { return { name, reducer, }; } export type NamedReducer< Name extends string = "reducerName", ReduxReducer extends Reducer = Reducer, > = ReturnType< typeof createNamedReducer<Name, ReduxReducer> >;

This code exports two functions, createNamedReducer and NamedReducer, and imports a type Reducer from the 'redux' package.

The createNamedReducer function takes two generic arguments: Name which extends the string type and ReduxReducer which extends the Reducer type. It accepts two arguments: name of type Name and reducer of type ReduxReducer. This function creates an object with two properties: name and reducer that correspond to the arguments passed in. It then returns this object.

The NamedReducer type is also defined as a generic with two optional parameters: Name which defaults to "reducerName" and ReduxReducer which defaults to Reducer. This type is declared using the ReturnType utility type, which takes a function type as its argument and returns the return type of that function. In this case, it uses typeof createNamedReducer to get the function type of createNamedReducer, with the Name and ReduxReducer types provided as its generics. The resulting type is the return type of createNamedReducer, or an object with name of type Name and reducer of type ReduxReducer.

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