This code implements a **Food Order Management System** with the...

January 2, 2025 at 04:07 AM

#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define MAX_USERNAME 50 #define MAX_PASSWORD 50 #define FILENAME "credentials.txt" #define MAX_NAME 100 #define MAX_ITEMS 10 #define MAX_RESTAURANTS 3 #define HASH_SIZE 64 // Structure for menu items at a restaurant typedef struct { char name[MAX_NAME]; float price; } MenuItem; // Structure for a restaurant typedef struct { char name[MAX_NAME]; MenuItem menu[MAX_ITEMS]; int num_items; } Restaurant; // Structure for login data typedef struct { char username[MAX_USERNAME]; char password[MAX_PASSWORD]; } User; // Function to check if a username already exists int checkUsernameExists(char *username) { FILE *file; char file_username[MAX_USERNAME], file_password[MAX_PASSWORD]; file = fopen(FILENAME, "r"); if (file == NULL) { return 0; // No users registered yet } while (fscanf(file, "%s %s", file_username, file_password) != EOF) { if (strcmp(username, file_username) == 0) { fclose(file); return 1; // Username exists } } fclose(file); return 0; // Username doesn't exist } // Function to sign up a new user void signup() { FILE *file; char username[MAX_USERNAME], password[MAX_PASSWORD]; printf("Enter a username: "); scanf("%s", username); if (checkUsernameExists(username)) { printf("Username already exists! Please try a different one.\n"); return; } printf("Enter a password: "); scanf("%s", password); file = fopen(FILENAME, "a"); // Open file in append mode if (file == NULL) { printf("Error opening file!\n"); return; } fprintf(file, "%s %s\n", username, password); // Write username and password to the file printf("Signup successful! You can now login.\n"); fclose(file); } // Function to log in an existing user int login() { FILE *file; char username[MAX_USERNAME], password[MAX_PASSWORD]; char file_username[MAX_USERNAME], file_password[MAX_PASSWORD]; int found = 0; printf("Enter your username: "); scanf("%s", username); printf("Enter your password: "); scanf("%s", password); file = fopen(FILENAME, "r"); // Open file in read mode if (file == NULL) { printf("No users registered yet.\n"); return 0; } while (fscanf(file, "%s %s", file_username, file_password) != EOF) { if (strcmp(username, file_username) == 0 && strcmp(password, file_password) == 0) { printf("Login successful!\n"); found = 1; break; } } fclose(file); if (!found) { printf("Invalid username or password.\n"); } return found; // Return 1 if login successful, otherwise 0 } // Function to display the menu of a restaurant void displayMenu(Restaurant *restaurant) { printf("\nMenu for %s:\n", restaurant->name); for (int i = 0; i < restaurant->num_items; i++) { printf("%d. %s - $%.2f\n", i + 1, restaurant->menu[i].name, restaurant->menu[i].price); } } // Function to order food from a restaurant void orderFood(Restaurant *restaurant, float *totalBill) { int choice, quantity; float bill = 0.0; while (1) { printf("\nEnter the item number to order (0 to finish): "); scanf("%d", &choice); if (choice == 0) { break; // End the order from this restaurant } if (choice > 0 && choice <= restaurant->num_items) { printf("Enter quantity: "); scanf("%d", &quantity); bill += restaurant->menu[choice - 1].price * quantity; } else { printf("Invalid choice! Please try again.\n"); } } *totalBill += bill; // Add the restaurant's bill to the total bill printf("Total bill for %s: $%.2f\n", restaurant->name, bill); } // Function to initialize the restaurants and their menus void initializeRestaurants(Restaurant restaurants[]) { // Restaurant 1 strcpy(restaurants[0].name, "Pizza Place"); restaurants[0].num_items = 3; strcpy(restaurants[0].menu[0].name, "Margherita Pizza"); restaurants[0].menu[0].price = 12.99; strcpy(restaurants[0].menu[1].name, "Pepperoni Pizza"); restaurants[0].menu[1].price = 14.99; strcpy(restaurants[0].menu[2].name, "Veggie Pizza"); restaurants[0].menu[2].price = 13.99; // Restaurant 2 strcpy(restaurants[1].name, "Burger Joint"); restaurants[1].num_items = 3; strcpy(restaurants[1].menu[0].name, "Cheeseburger"); restaurants[1].menu[0].price = 9.99; strcpy(restaurants[1].menu[1].name, "Bacon Burger"); restaurants[1].menu[1].price = 11.99; strcpy(restaurants[1].menu[2].name, "Veggie Burger"); restaurants[1].menu[2].price = 10.99; // Restaurant 3 strcpy(restaurants[2].name, "Sushi Spot"); restaurants[2].num_items = 3; strcpy(restaurants[2].menu[0].name, "California Roll"); restaurants[2].menu[0].price = 8.99; strcpy(restaurants[2].menu[1].name, "Spicy Tuna Roll"); restaurants[2].menu[1].price = 10.99; strcpy(restaurants[2].menu[2].name, "Salmon Roll"); restaurants[2].menu[2].price = 9.99; } // Main function to run the combined login, signup, and food order management system int main() { Restaurant restaurants[MAX_RESTAURANTS]; int choice, restaurantChoice; float totalBill = 0.0; int loggedIn = 0; // Initialize restaurants and menus initializeRestaurants(restaurants); while (1) { printf("\n--- Food Order Management ---\n"); if (!loggedIn) { printf("1. Login\n"); printf("2. Signup\n"); } printf("3. Order Food\n"); printf("4. View Bill\n"); printf("5. Exit\n"); if (!loggedIn) { printf("Enter your choice: "); scanf("%d", &choice); } else { printf("Enter your choice: "); scanf("%d", &choice); } switch (choice) { case 1: if (!loggedIn) { loggedIn = login(); } else { printf("You are already logged in!\n"); } break; case 2: if (!loggedIn) { signup(); } else { printf("You are already logged in!\n"); } break; case 3: if (loggedIn) { printf("\nSelect a Restaurant:\n"); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_RESTAURANTS; i++) { printf("%d. %s\n", i + 1, restaurants[i].name); } printf("Enter your choice: "); scanf("%d", &restaurantChoice); if (restaurantChoice > 0 && restaurantChoice <= MAX_RESTAURANTS) { displayMenu(&restaurants[restaurantChoice - 1]); orderFood(&restaurants[restaurantChoice - 1], &totalBill); } else { printf("Invalid restaurant choice! Try again.\n"); } } else { printf("You must log in first!\n"); } break; case 4: printf("\nTotal Bill: $%.2f\n", totalBill); break; case 5: printf("Exiting program...\n"); return 0; default: printf("Invalid choice. Please try again.\n"); } } return 0; }

This code implements a Food Order Management System with the following features:

  1. User Authentication System:

    • Users can sign up by entering a unique username and password.
    • Usernames and passwords are stored in a plain text file named credentials.txt.
    • During signup, the program ensures that usernames are unique.
    • Users can log in using their registered credentials.
  2. Restaurant and Menu Management:

    • The program stores data for three restaurants, each having its menu of items (up to 10 items per restaurant). Each item has a name and a price.
    • The program allows users to view the menu of a selected restaurant.
  3. Food Ordering:

    • Logged-in users can select a restaurant, view its menu, and place orders for items by specifying quantities.
    • The cost for ordered items is calculated and accumulated into a total bill for the user.
  4. Billing:

    • The program displays the current total bill, which consists of all orders made by the user across restaurants.
  5. Structure of the Code:

    • Uses struct to manage data related to restaurants, menu items, and user credentials.
    • Modular functions are implemented for various tasks like signup, login, checking usernames, displaying menus, and ordering food.
  6. File I/O:

    • The file credentials.txt is used to store and load user credentials for persistence between program runs.
  7. Flow of Execution:

    • On startup, the user is presented with a menu of options. Based on their input, they can:
      • Sign up for a new account.
      • Log in with an existing account.
      • Order food from restaurants.
      • View their total bill.
      • Exit the program.

Example Workflow:

  1. The user starts the program.
  2. If the user is new, they choose to sign up by providing a username and password.
  3. They log in using the registered credentials.
  4. Once logged in, they can:
    • Choose a restaurant.
    • View the menu.
    • Order items by specifying item number and quantity.
  5. They can view their total bill at any point.
  6. They can exit the application when done.


  • Passwords are stored in plaintext, which is insecure.
  • The program does not hash or encrypt passwords, making it vulnerable to unauthorized access.
  • The system supports a maximum of 3 restaurants and 10 items per restaurant, which is hardcoded.
  • The user must be logged in to order food or view the bill.
  • The data (except user credentials) is not saved between sessions, meaning restaurant data is reinitialized every time the program runs.
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