This code assigns a new column called `dew_prob` to the...

February 4, 2025 at 06:58 AM

dfweather202["dew_prob"] = dfweather202.apply(lambda row: dewprob(row["temp_out"], row["dew_point_out"]), axis=1)

This code assigns a new column called dew_prob to the DataFrame dfweather202. The purpose of the code is to calculate the output of the dewprob function for each row in the DataFrame by using the values in the columns "temp_out" and "dew_point_out".

Here’s a breakdown of what the code does:

  1. dfweather202["dew_prob"] = ...:

    • Creates a new column in the dfweather202 DataFrame called dew_prob.
    • This column will store the result of the computation performed on each row.
  2. dfweather202.apply(..., axis=1):

    • The apply function is used to apply a function to rows (since axis=1 specifies rows) of the dfweather202 DataFrame.
  3. lambda row: dewprob(row["temp_out"], row["dew_point_out"]):

    • A lambda function is defined to take a single row as input.
    • For each row, the lambda function extracts the values of the columns "temp_out" and "dew_point_out".
    • These values are then passed as arguments to the dewprob function.
  4. dewprob(row["temp_out"], row["dew_point_out"]):

    • The dewprob function is called with the values of "temp_out" and "dew_point_out" for the current row.
    • The result of the function is what gets stored in the corresponding cell of the new dew_prob column.


The code calculates the "dew probability" for each row in the DataFrame dfweather202 using the provided dewprob function. It uses the "temp_out" and "dew_point_out" columns as inputs for the calculation and stores the result in a new column named "dew_prob".

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