The code imports the `verify_email` module and defines a function...

March 29, 2023 at 10:05 AM

from verify_email import verify_email def email_verifier(email): # verifying email using verify_email function verify = verify_email(email) # checking if the verify value is True if verify == True: print(f'{email} is a valid email address') # checking if the verify value is False elif verify == False: print(f'{email} is not a valid email address') # getting email from user my_email = input('Enter email address:') # calling the email_verifier function email_verifier(my_email)

The code imports the verify_email module and defines a function called email_verifier, which takes an email address as an argument. The email_verifier function then calls the verify_email function from the imported module to verify whether the email is valid or not.

If the email is valid, it prints a message saying so, and if it's not valid, it prints a message indicating that it's not valid.

The program then prompts the user to enter an email address and passes it to the email_verifier function, which validates the email address and displays the appropriate message.

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