This code performs the following actions: 1. The first line uses...

March 28, 2023 at 06:54 PM

repo=$(xclip -o -sel clipboard) kitty --working-directory ~/workspace/gits/ --hold zsh -i -c "gccd $repo && zsh"

This code performs the following actions:

  1. The first line uses the xclip command to read the contents of the clipboard into a variable called repo.

  2. The second line launches a new instance of the kitty terminal emulator.

  3. The --working-directory flag sets the working directory for the new terminal window to ~/workspace/gits/, which is a directory where Git repositories are presumably stored.

  4. The --hold flag tells kitty to keep the terminal window open even after the command inside it finishes running.

  5. The -i flag requests that kitty starts an interactive shell.

  6. The -c flag specifies a command to run in the new terminal window.

  7. The command being executed is "gccd $repo && zsh". This command changes the current working directory to the repo specified in the clipboard ($repo) using the gccd command (which is presumably a custom shell function or alias), and then opens a new zsh shell in that directory.

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