This code is a JavaScript snippet that is designed to...

May 12, 2024 at 03:48 PM

// ----- Bypass mega-enlace ( Taken from AdGuard / ----- // used in: (function() { if (/ { const window = unsafeWindow; //Added so it works in ViolentMonkey instead of AdGuard //Adguard snippet expanded and modified ! function() { const e = e => { // The e function: It sends a POST request to the link shortener's server and performs some string replacements to modify the form data and action URL. Finally, it sends another POST request with the modified form data to the action URL. const o = new XMLHttpRequest;"POST", "/check.php", !0), o.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"), o.send("a"); const t = atob(window.ext_site).replace(/[a-z]/gi, (e => String.fromCharCode(e.charCodeAt(0) + (e.toLowerCase() <= "m" ? 13 : -13)))); let n = e.replaceAll('\\"', '"'); n = n.replace("'+ api_key+ '", window.api_key), n = n.replace("'+ link_out+ \"", window.link_out), n = n.replace(/action="'\+ .*?\+ '"/, `action="${t}"`); var a; const i = (a = n, (new DOMParser).parseFromString(a, "text/html")).querySelector("form"), r = new FormData(i), c = new XMLHttpRequest;"POST", t, !0), c.send(r), window.tab2 = window, postMessage("_clicked_b", location.origin) }, o = { // The o object: This object is a proxy that intercepts function calls. It checks if the function call includes the api_key parameter and performs additional modifications to the function's code. If the necessary conditions are met, it tries to bypass the link shortener by calling the e function. apply: (o, t, n) => { if (n[1] && n[1].includes("api_key")) { const o = window.link_out, t = window.api_key, a = n[1].match(/window\.open\(.*?\(atob\(main_site\)\).*?("\/.*\.php\?.*=").*?("&.*?=").*?(api_key),"view"/), i = a[1].replaceAll('"', ""), r = a[2].replaceAll('"', ""), c = n[1].match(/<form target=[\s\S]*?<\/form>/)[0]; if (n[1] = n[1].replace("window.location.href", "var nulled"), n[1] = n[1].replace("", "location.assign(f"), n[1] = n[1].replace(/(parseInt\(c\.split\("-"\)\[0\]\)<= 0).*?(\)\{)/, "$1$2"), o && t && i && r && c) try { "loading" === document.readyState ? window.addEventListener("load", (() => { //Check if there is already access permission before launching the POST requests for the bypass let button = document.querySelector('input[type="button"][id="contador"][value="IR AL ENLACE"]'); if (!button){ e(c); //Launch the POST requests // Check periodically if access is granted to click the button let intervalId = setInterval(() => { let button = document.querySelector('input[type="button"][id="contador"][value="Ir al enlace"]'); if (button) {; clearInterval(intervalId); } }, 1000); } else if (button) {; } }), { once: !0 }) : e(c) } catch (e) { console.debug(e) } } return Reflect.apply(o, t, n) } }; window.Function.prototype.constructor = new Proxy(window.Function.prototype.constructor, o) }(); } })(); // ----- ----- -----

This code is a JavaScript snippet that is designed to bypass a specific link shortener website called "" on certain websites such as,,, and others. The code intercepts function calls related to the link shortener, modifies the form data and action URL, and sends POST requests to bypass the link shortener. It also checks for access permission before clicking the button to proceed to the desired destination link.

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