This code is a highly modular and abstract JavaScript utility...

January 11, 2025 at 02:45 AM

var E = Object.defineProperty; var C = (e, t, n) => t in e ? E(e, t, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: n }) : e[t] = n; var p = (e, t, n) => (C(e, typeof t != "symbol" ? t + "" : t, n), n); import {r as h, n as y, i as w, j, k as S, l as B, e as b, m as I, p as q, q as N, v as L, w as P, x as T} from "./scheduler.CyonJRqN.js"; let $ = !1; function D() { $ = !0 } function H() { $ = !1 } function M(e, t, n, i) { for (; e < t; ) { const l = e + (t - e >> 1); n(l) <= i ? e = l + 1 : t = l } return e } function O(e) { if (e.hydrate_init) return; e.hydrate_init = !0; let t = e.childNodes; if (e.nodeName === "HEAD") { const r = []; for (let s = 0; s < t.length; s++) { const o = t[s]; o.claim_order !== void 0 && r.push(o) } t = r } const n = new Int32Array(t.length + 1) , i = new Int32Array(t.length); n[0] = -1; let l = 0; for (let r = 0; r < t.length; r++) { const s = t[r].claim_order , o = (l > 0 && t[n[l]].claim_order <= s ? l + 1 : M(1, l, _ => t[n[_]].claim_order, s)) - 1; i[r] = n[o] + 1; const f = o + 1; n[f] = r, l = Math.max(f, l) } const u = [] , a = []; let c = t.length - 1; for (let r = n[l] + 1; r != 0; r = i[r - 1]) { for (u.push(t[r - 1]); c >= r; c--) a.push(t[c]); c-- } for (; c >= 0; c--) a.push(t[c]); u.reverse(), a.sort( (r, s) => r.claim_order - s.claim_order); for (let r = 0, s = 0; r < a.length; r++) { for (; s < u.length && a[r].claim_order >= u[s].claim_order; ) s++; const o = s < u.length ? u[s] : null; e.insertBefore(a[r], o) } } function z(e, t) { if ($) { for (O(e), (e.actual_end_child === void 0 || e.actual_end_child !== null && e.actual_end_child.parentNode !== e) && (e.actual_end_child = e.firstChild); e.actual_end_child !== null && e.actual_end_child.claim_order === void 0; ) e.actual_end_child = e.actual_end_child.nextSibling; t !== e.actual_end_child ? (t.claim_order !== void 0 || t.parentNode !== e) && e.insertBefore(t, e.actual_end_child) : e.actual_end_child = t.nextSibling } else (t.parentNode !== e || t.nextSibling !== null) && e.appendChild(t) } function ee(e, t, n) { $ && !n ? z(e, t) : (t.parentNode !== e || t.nextSibling != n) && e.insertBefore(t, n || null) } function R(e) { e.parentNode && e.parentNode.removeChild(e) } function te(e, t) { for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n += 1) e[n] && e[n].d(t) } function U(e) { return document.createElement(e) } function x(e) { return document.createTextNode(e) } function ne() { return x(" ") } function ie() { return x("") } function re(e, t, n, i) { return e.addEventListener(t, n, i), () => e.removeEventListener(t, n, i) } function le(e, t, n) { n == null ? e.removeAttribute(t) : e.getAttribute(t) !== n && e.setAttribute(t, n) } function se(e) { return e.dataset.svelteH } function V(e) { return Array.from(e.childNodes) } function W(e) { e.claim_info === void 0 && (e.claim_info = { last_index: 0, total_claimed: 0 }) } function A(e, t, n, i, l=!1) { W(e); const u = ( () => { for (let a = e.claim_info.last_index; a < e.length; a++) { const c = e[a]; if (t(c)) { const r = n(c); return r === void 0 ? e.splice(a, 1) : e[a] = r, l || (e.claim_info.last_index = a), c } } for (let a = e.claim_info.last_index - 1; a >= 0; a--) { const c = e[a]; if (t(c)) { const r = n(c); return r === void 0 ? e.splice(a, 1) : e[a] = r, l ? r === void 0 && e.claim_info.last_index-- : e.claim_info.last_index = a, c } } return i() } )(); return u.claim_order = e.claim_info.total_claimed, e.claim_info.total_claimed += 1, u } function F(e, t, n, i) { return A(e, l => l.nodeName === t, l => { const u = []; for (let a = 0; a < l.attributes.length; a++) { const c = l.attributes[a]; n[] || u.push( } u.forEach(a => l.removeAttribute(a)) } , () => i(t)) } function ae(e, t, n) { return F(e, t, n, U) } function G(e, t) { return A(e, n => n.nodeType === 3, n => { const i = "" + t; if ( { if ( !== i.length) return n.splitText(i.length) } else = i } , () => x(t), !0) } function ce(e) { return G(e, " ") } function ue(e, t) { t = "" + t, !== t && ( = t) } function fe(e, t) { e.value = t ?? "" } function oe(e, t, n, i) { n == null ? :, n, i ? "important" : "") } function de(e, t, n) { for (let i = 0; i < e.options.length; i += 1) { const l = e.options[i]; if (l.__value === t) { l.selected = !0; return } } (!n || t !== void 0) && (e.selectedIndex = -1) } function _e(e) { const t = e.querySelector(":checked"); return t && t.__value } function me(e, t) { return new e(t) } const m = new Set; let d; function he() { d = { r: 0, c: [], p: d } } function $e() { d.r || h(d.c), d = d.p } function J(e, t) { e && e.i && (m.delete(e), e.i(t)) } function pe(e, t, n, i) { if (e && e.o) { if (m.has(e)) return; m.add(e), d.c.push( () => { m.delete(e), i && (n && e.d(1), i()) } ), e.o(t) } else i && i() } function ye(e) { e && e.c() } function xe(e, t) { e && e.l(t) } function K(e, t, n) { const {fragment: i, after_update: l} = e.$$; i && i.m(t, n), b( () => { const u = e.$$; e.$$.on_destroy ? e.$$.on_destroy.push(...u) : h(u), e.$$.on_mount = [] } ), l.forEach(b) } function Q(e, t) { const n = e.$$; n.fragment !== null && (I(n.after_update), h(n.on_destroy), n.fragment && n.fragment.d(t), n.on_destroy = n.fragment = null, n.ctx = []) } function X(e, t) { e.$$.dirty[0] === -1 && (P.push(e), T(), e.$$.dirty.fill(0)), e.$$.dirty[t / 31 | 0] |= 1 << t % 31 } function ve(e, t, n, i, l, u, a=null, c=[-1]) { const r = q; N(e); const s = e.$$ = { fragment: null, ctx: [], props: u, update: y, not_equal: l, bound: w(), on_mount: [], on_destroy: [], on_disconnect: [], before_update: [], after_update: [], context: new Map(t.context || (r ? r.$$.context : [])), callbacks: w(), dirty: c, skip_bound: !1, root: || r.$$.root }; a && a(s.root); let o = !1; if (s.ctx = n ? n(e, t.props || {}, (f, _, ...v) => { const g = v.length ? v[0] : _; return s.ctx && l(s.ctx[f], s.ctx[f] = g) && (!s.skip_bound && s.bound[f] && s.bound[f](g), o && X(e, f)), _ } ) : [], s.update(), o = !0, h(s.before_update), s.fragment = i ? i(s.ctx) : !1, { if (t.hydrate) { D(); const f = V(; s.fragment && s.fragment.l(f), f.forEach(R) } else s.fragment && s.fragment.c(); t.intro && J(e.$$.fragment), K(e,, t.anchor), H(), j() } N(r) } class ge { constructor() { p(this, "$$"); p(this, "$$set") } $destroy() { Q(this, 1), this.$destroy = y } $on(t, n) { if (!S(n)) return y; const i = this.$$.callbacks[t] || (this.$$.callbacks[t] = []); return i.push(n), () => { const l = i.indexOf(n); l !== -1 && i.splice(l, 1) } } $set(t) { this.$$set && !B(t) && (this.$$.skip_bound = !0, this.$$set(t), this.$$.skip_bound = !1) } } const Y = "4"; typeof window < "u" && (window.__svelte || (window.__svelte = { v: new Set })).v.add(Y); export {ye as A, xe as B, K as C, Q as D, ge as S, V as a, ce as b, ae as c, G as d, U as e, R as f, se as g, le as h, ve as i, ee as j, z as k, re as l, ue as m, te as n, fe as o, J as p, pe as q, _e as r, ne as s, x as t, oe as u, de as v, ie as w, $e as x, he as y, me as z};

This code is a highly modular and abstract JavaScript utility built for web-based frameworks, particularly Svelte. It is a collection of functions and classes meant for DOM manipulation, rendering, event handling, lifecycle management, and virtual DOM orchestration.

Here’s a breakdown of what it does:

  1. Utility Functions for DOM Manipulation and Rendering:

    • Functions such as U, x, ne, ie, and others handle the creation of DOM elements or text nodes dynamically.
    • Functions like R (remove element from the DOM), le (set or remove attributes), and oe (style manipulation) are utility functions for more complex DOM updates.
    • Functions such as ae and G deal with reusing and claiming DOM nodes, potentially to help with server-side rendering (SSR) hydration.
  2. Event Handling:

    • Functions like re add and manage event listeners dynamically.
  3. Lifecycle Management:

    • Contains hooks for initializing, mounting, updating, and destroying components, for example:
      • ve: This is a core Svelte function managing the lifecycle of a component, initializing context, updating lifecycle hooks, and handling rendering processes.
      • K and Q: Handle mounting and cleanup logic for component fragments.
    • Handles intro and outro animation lifecycles (J and pe functions) for transitions.
  4. SSR and Hydration:

    • The O function and parts of the code are primarily meant for hydration. They reconcile existing DOM nodes with declarative logic from the framework to attach them to the component logic during client-side rendering of server-rendered markup.
  5. Reactive State Management:

    • The framework appears to include some reactive programming constructs. For example, X schedules updates to a dirty state, ensuring DOM updates are deferred to avoid unnecessary recomputation.
  6. Abstract Base Class:

    • ge: The base Svelte component class that all components extend, providing lifecycle hooks ($on, $destroy) and state updates ($set).
  7. Export Interface:

    • The export statement exposes utility functions and the Svelte component base class (ge) for external use. Functions like xe, K, and Q are tightly focused on Svelte's rendering process.
  8. Versioning:

    • Includes a version identifier Y = "4", which is added to window.__svelte. It appears to track a version of the available Svelte runtime to prevent conflicts.

General Functionality

This code is part of a runtime for handling Svelte components, specifically integrating the rendering lifecycles, reactivity, and DOM hydration for both client-side and SSR setups. If you use the Svelte framework, these are low-level functions abstracted away from the user, supporting the high-level development experience.

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