The code defines a method called `save()` that generates a...

March 29, 2023 at 08:02 AM

public save() { if (!this.processing) { let res: Observable<ZipFile>; switch (this.mode) { case 'publish': res = this.releaseZipGenerator.generate(); break; case 'data': res = this.dataZipGenerator.generate(); break; case 'template': res = this.templateZipGenerator.generate(); break; default: throw new Error(`Not supported mode ${this.mode}.`); } this.processing = true; res.subscribe(r => { this.processing = false; fileSaver.saveAs(r.content, r.fileName); this._close(); }, (e) => { console.error(e); alert(e); this.processing = false; }); } }

The code defines a method called save() that generates a ZIP file based on the selected mode ('publish', 'data', or 'template'). The method sets a boolean variable processing to true while generating the file. Once the file is generated, it sets processing back to false, saves the file to the user's computer using fileSaver.saveAs(), and closes the current window. If an error occurs during the process, it logs the error to the console, displays an alert to the user, and sets processing back to false.

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