This code defines a private static function called `simulationPeriod` that...

March 29, 2023 at 08:57 AM

private static func simulationPeriod( _ valuesPerHour: DateSeries.Frequence? = nil ) -> Zip2Sequence<ArraySlice<MeteoData>, DateSeries> { let times: DateSeries var meteo: ArraySlice<MeteoData> let interval = Simulation.time.steps if let dateInterval = Simulation.time.dateInterval { let range = dateInterval.aligned(to: interval) times = DateSeries(range: range, interval: interval) let values: [MeteoData] if let steps = valuesPerHour, interval.rawValue > steps.rawValue { values = stride( from: meteoData.startIndex, to: meteoData.endIndex, by: interval.rawValue ).map { meteoData[$0] } } else { values = meteoData } let indices = values.range(for: range) meteo = values[indices] } else { times = DateSeries(year: yearOfSimulation, interval: interval) meteo = meteoData[...] } return zip(meteo, times) }

This code defines a private static function called simulationPeriod that takes an optional parameter valuesPerHour of type DateSeries.Frequency and returns a Zip2Sequence of ArraySlice<MeteoData> and DateSeries.

Inside the function, it first initializes variables for times, meteo, and interval. It then checks if the optional parameter dateInterval is not nil. If it is not nil, times is set to a new DateSeries object with a range based on dateInterval and an interval based on interval. Depending on whether valuesPerHour is specified and the value of interval, an array of MeteoData objects called values is either created using a stride function or set to meteoData, which is not defined in this code snippet. The indices of values are determined using the range(for:) method based on range. Finally, meteo is set to a slice of values using indices. If dateInterval is nil, times is set to a new DateSeries object based on yearOfSimulation and interval, and meteo is set to a slice of meteoData containing all elements. The function then returns a zipped sequence of meteo and times.

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